Benjamin Castaldi terrified that leaving “Do not touch my post”!

Benjamin Castaldi’s finances are regularly the subject of jokes on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste! ! And for good reason, after having very comfortably earned a living for a long time, the columnist of C8 unfortunately has nothing left. Debted with more than two million euros and “at the end of his financial life” according to his own words, the one who had his hours of glory on TF1 in the early 2000s finally finds himself counting his pennies so as not to find himself in red… At least that’s what he confided in the show “Chez Jordan” this Tuesday, March 7, 2023.

Indeed, while Jordan De Luxe asked him if he would manage financially if Cyril Hanouna did without his services, Benjamin Castaldi answered frankly: “I’m not going to lie to you, it would be a disaster!” If tomorrow Cyril throws me away, two months later, I’m on the street! I don’t have any savings, I don’t have any property, I don’t have a side circle”

And to add: “I live day to day, month to month. I have Aurore (his wife editor’s note) who keeps the accounts. Like many French people on the 20th of the month, we know it will be difficult. It’s the life of many TV hosts and people, there are times when you earn a good living and others less. It is complicated… “concluded the one who once earned between 1.3 and 1.7 million euros per year.

See also: “You’re kidding me!” : A guest attacks Cyril Hanouna!

A good retirement

Despite significant financial difficulties, Benjamin Castaldi prefers to see the glass half full… And especially when he thinks of his retirement! And for good reason, the father of the family has let it be known that the set of “Chez Jordan” that he should receive a very good retirement. “I would have a good retirement as I was on permanent contracts at TF1 and M6. I won’t tell you the amount but and I’ll be fine,” he let go before specifying that the amount would exceed 4,000 euros following a question from Jordan De Luxe…


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