Benjamin Castaldi reveals the truth about his relationship with his ex-wife!

Friday, February 18, TF1 proposed the return of Stars at home. A program that had disappeared from the screens in April 2004. Presented by Flavie Flament, the program therefore reappeared with celebrities such as Clara Luciani, Gims, Patrick Fiori, Soprano and Lorie. 3.17 million people (16% of PDAs) were behind their screens.

Figures deemed disappointing for Cyril Hanouna or Gilles Verdez! “It was a monumental fiasco (…) we flirt with nostalgia, which proves that there is nothing in the present”commented for his part the former journalist of the Parisian. “This is one of the worst scores for TF1 on the under 50s in prime time”estimated the host who relied on information from Clément Garin.

One of the only ones to have predicted that the hearings were not going to be an appointment is Benjamin Castaldi. “I find that Flavie is badly exploited in it”explained the columnist who added to have experienced the success of Stars at home“inside” when he was in a relationship with the host. They were married between 2001 and 2006 before divorcing in 2008. The two former stars of the front page are the parents of Enzo, who recently celebrated his 18th birthday. “We see her a little bit or not at all and it’s Caroline Gavignet who does all the surprises. She’s very nice but hey, she goes on the air, she’s not the star of the program, it’s rather the animator…”he lamented.

“She didn’t want to, Flavie?” then asked Valérie Benaïm. “I don’t know, I don’t talk to him much anymore”, he replied. “It’s a shame because it was a very nice brand which is a bit damaged”.

A new episode will be programmed on Friday February 25 at the same time as the César ceremony on Canal+moderated by Antoine de Caunes.

See also: Benjamin Castaldi: defrauded, he lost “a million” … a candidate for “The Voice” involved in the affair


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