Benjamin Castaldi knocked out by his son Simon Castaldi… and it hurts!

Opening up and showing your feelings isn’t easy for everyone. On January 13, he had to pull the worms out of his nose to announce the excellent news and the fact that he was going to become a grandfather in the coming months. In fact, it was during the Pookie Box by TPMP that Gilles Verdez swayed about Benjamin Castaldi and the new life of “papi” that presents itself to him. However, this is good news that the columnist could have shared with the whole team long before. But his temperament prevents him.

This is what one of his sons, Simon, regrets. The latter, who excels in reality TV, and who found love by participating in Marseillais VS the rest of the world 6, was interviewed by our colleagues from Gossip Room this Friday, January 14. The opportunity for the young man to look back on his meeting with Adixia, and the many projects he had with her. But also to evoke the moment when he presented the pretty blonde to his family. An often dreaded passage in a relationship. Although the Belgian passed this “hurdle” without incident, her darling still regrets the fact that her father did not show up. “here” during presentations. By ensuring, however, that he had been very sociable and that he had been able to put his muse at ease.

“Afterwards, my father, he’s a bit special… He’s there but my father isn’t there, so it’s a bit hard. He’s not the guy who will sit down and say: ‘Tell me Adixia, how are you?'”, first revealed the young man before regretting: “My dad thinks I’m young and I want to catch anything that moves. He didn’t understand that I really loved him and that we were very much in love!”. Benjamin Castaldi probably did not realize his “absence” and it is almost certain that the TPMP columnist will catch up during the next meeting with his daughter-in-law. Who knows, he might even issue a public apology during the next C8 daily?

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