Benjamin Castaldi: His son Gabriel is already his perfect double!

On the occasion of the 58 years of Benjamin Castaldi, it is his wife Aurora German (mother of Gabriel) who paid tribute to her on the set of TPMP. “He is a very good dad who takes care of his son, contrary to what I thought for once. My love, you said to me: ‘We’re having a baby, but I don’t take care of it, it’s only for the love. I don’t change nappies, he doesn’t sleep with us.’ He sleeps with us, he hasn’t slept for 19 months, you change diapers, you cuddle. He is fantastic“, she confided.

It must be said that Benji has already had his share of experiences with children, he who is on his fourth. Julian (1996) and Simon (2000) are the two sons born of his union with Valerie Sapienza. The third is Enzo (2004), fruit of his relationship with Flavie Flament, and finally Gabriel, in 2020, with his current wife, Aurore.

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