Benjamin Castaldi: his fantasy with Kelly Vedovelli, the shocked columnist

To start the number Do not touch My TV of this Thursday, January 20, Cyril Hanouna hit hard when talking about … death. The 47-year-old host began by going around the table to imagine the epitaphs of each of his columnists once their last hour arrived. But Bianca and Lino’s dad didn’t stop there. Curious by nature, he also wanted to know the program of the last day of each one and with whom he would share it. True to himself, Matthieu Delormeau played the good students by pushing the envelope a little too much for everyone to believe in it: “I would like to please my fans first if it was the last day. I think I would animate TPMP all day on C8.

The idea made Cyril Hanouna laugh who then turned to Benjamin Castaldi. Crazy in love with his wife Aurore Aleman, the ex-host of Secret Story indicated that he would spend his last hours with his wife: “I will make love with my wife.“Annoyed by this somewhat smooth response, the host pushed his columnist to step out of his comfort zone and share one of his fantasies.

His perseverance eventually paid off. By claiming that these were the last hours of his life and that whatever happened, he would not have to suffer the wrath of the mother of his youngest son Gabriel, Cyril Hanouna ended up cracking Benjamin Castaldi . The columnist therefore claimed that if he had to choose from one of the people present around the table, he would choose Kelly Vedovelli.

This revelation caused hilarity on set and the amazement of the main interested party, shocked by the words of Benjamin Castaldi. The columnist did not have to justify himself for long since Gilles Verdez’s response stole the show. Isabelle Morini-Bosc’s sidekick would not be against spending his last moments with Guillaume Genton for, he says, “taste all the pleasures“It’s Fatou who will be happy…

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