Benjamin Castaldi, his divorce with Flavie Flament: this SMS that changed everything

He is the proud father of five children, all boys, and has a perfect love affair with Aurore Aleman, with whom he married in August 2016. Before meeting the pretty brunette, Benjamin Castaldi lived beautiful stories with Valérie Sapienza, mother of his two eldest children Julien (25) and Simon (21) then Flavie Flament. With the host, he had a third child, Enzo (17). The couple finally divorced in 2008, six years after getting married. Many years later, Benjamin Castaldi explains behind the scenes of the breakup.

They met in December 2000 during the show The Little Princes, on TF1. A love at first sight which gave way to a beautiful idyll between the two animators. But one fine day, everything changed. On the set of Do not touch My TV (C8) in March 2020, Benjamin Castaldi says that it was by SMS that Flavie Flament left him. “I was doing the morning show on RTL2. I would leave quite early in the morning, come back after the show and take a little nap because I was tired. I open this phone and I have this text saying: ‘That’s it.’ It’s crazy and I swear it’s true“, he confided.

And to reveal the content of this message which he describes as “violent“: “The text was quite concise and it struck me. It was a pretty nice message by the way: ‘My legs can’t carry me anymore, I know you’ll take care of the little one, I’m leaving.Earlier, in 2015, in the pages of his autobiography For now, everything is okay (L’Archipel editions), Benjamin Castaldi evoked “a cold message, more or less clear but direct“. And to add that”she was no longer there“And above all, she never came back.

Remember that it is a story of deception that broke the couple. In October 2021, in Do not touch My TV, the host, also a columnist for Cyril Hanouna, revealed that he was caught in the act. He had two telephones and communicated with his mistress, an actress, on one of them. One fine day, Flavie Flament came across an explicit text message: “I play for you tonight my love.” “It was obviously a disaster. She says to me: ‘What is this text message?’ I was very bad, and in fact it ended like this“, he said. It was only a few months later, when she realized that she could not get over this betrayal, that Flavie Flament packed up.

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