Benjamin Castaldi dad of Gabriel: revelation about the conception of his little boy

Becoming a dad late in life, many actors, artists, singers have known him. Louis Bertignac, Gérard Darmon, Nicolas Sarkozy… All have experienced the joys of fatherhood at over 50 years old. Benjamin Castaldi too. The columnist of Do not touch My TV, married to Aurore Aleman since 2016, was slightly pushed around by his wife to have a child with her. A project that he had not planned at the start, because of his older age than for the births of his three other boys. His milestone of fifty, Benjamin Castaldi therefore spent it in bottles and in diapers after long years of tranquility.

Benjamin Castaldi does not regret having experienced short nights again. He even forced fate a bit to make it happen. On the set of Do not touch My TV this Monday, may 30, the ex-husband of Flavie Flament made a revelation about how baby Gabriel had arrived in the life of his parents. If they have tried several times, Aurore Aleman and Benjamin Castaldi have encountered small difficulties for a pregnancy to succeed.

On the side of Benjamin Castaldi, all the functions were not at the top, his sperm in particular: “It was a little light. It wasn’t very lively. I gave a lot at the same time…” joked the columnist, evoking this period of doubt within his couple. To put the odds on their side, Aurore Aleman and Benjamin Castaldi therefore resorted to artificial insemination: “Gabriel, we have it like this.” Almost two years later, the little boy is doing like a charm and looks more and more like his famous dad.

The succession is more than on track to be assured on the side of Benjamin Castaldi. Before seeing Gabriel land in his life, Benjamin Castaldi was already the father of three boys: Julien, 25, Simon, 22, the sons he had with his first wife Valérie Sapienza and Enzo, 18, the fruit of his marriage with Flavie Flament. In a few months, Benjamin Castaldi will become a grandfather for the first time, of a little Angelo a priori. Yes, another boy…

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