Benjamin Castaldi dad: his son Gabriel is his double, he reveals the proof in pictures

Benjamin Castaldi is a happy dad! Father of four children: Julien and Simon born of his union with Valérie Sapienza, Enzo born of his love with the host Flavie Flament and Gabriel, youngest, born of his couple with Aurore Aleman.

Although he was not very present for his two eldest children Julien (who will soon become a father for the first time) and Simon during their childhood due in particular to his media overexposure, Benjamin Castaldi, now 52 years old, seems make up for past mistakes with her son Gabriel, who will be 2 years old on August 27th. Date on which he will also celebrate his six years of marriage with Aurore Aleman. To the point that the latter had declared on the set of Do not touch My TV about her husband: “He’s a very good dad who takes care of his son, contrary to what I thought for once. My love, you said to me: “He sleeps with us, he hasn’t slept for 19 months, you change diapers, you cuddle. He is fantastic !”

Benjamin Castaldi: his son Gabriel is his spitting image

On Instagram where he regularly posts photos of his son Gabriel, Benjamin Castaldi does not hesitate to show the affection he has for his youngest. The proof this Sunday, June 5, where the host and columnist of C8 posted a photo montage comparing photos of his one-and-a-half-year-old son and himself at the same period of his life. The difference is that these photos were taken at different times! Hence the black and white in Benjamin’s photos.

Looking at these photos, we notice that incontestably, Gabriel is the spitting image of his father. We can almost consider that, of all the sons of Benjamin Castaldi, he is the one who most resembles him after his 25-year-old eldest son, Julien. We can’t wait to see what the future great Gabriel will look like at the age of 52!

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