Benjamin Castaldi contaminated by “a lightning virus”: “I was scared!”

In this time of the global Covid-19 pandemic, every cough or bout of fever sows concern. As a general rule, to make sure that everything is fine, the gesture has become a reflex: a short trip to the laboratory to carry out a test and find out whether or not isolation is necessary. Benjamin Castaldi could not be more concerned this week. The columnist, absent for several days in Touche pas à mon poste, was back on the set this Thursday, March 24. Not unhappy to see her foal back, Cyril Hanouna said that “Benjamin almost died“. If the columnist laughed at this exaggeration, he could not be more serious about the real evil that seized him a little earlier: “I was afraid ! I had a lightning virus, 39.6 fever for 24 hours“.

If he made sure it was not Covid-19, one detail worried Benjamin Castaldi: the fact of not being able to put a word on the virus he contracted: “I do not know what it is ! It was a virus. I had a high fever, I did the Covid test, I called a doctor, he told me ‘It’s not contagious’ but it’s a virus“. Despite Benjamin Castaldi’s explanation, Cyril Hanouna seemed, under the guise of humor, a little worried about the husband of Aurore Aleman. But fortunately, the young dad has nothing alarming a priori.

This good news must have pleased his many children but also his wife Aurore, to whom Benjamin Castaldi continues to proclaim his love in all forms on the show. Their love at first sight took place in 2015. At the time, the host of loft was still married to host Vanessa Broussouloux. He marries Aurore Aleman three months after having officially divorced his ex-wife. More in love than ever – he who often speaks of the fickle behavior he had in the past – Benjamin Castaldi gave him the most beautiful proof of love: a baby named Gabriel.

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