Benjamin Castaldi arrested by the columnist … on the verge of tears on the set of TPMP

“I feel Delphine very moved”launched Benjamin Castaldi in Touche Pas À Mon Poste: Weekend, this Friday, April 29. After broadcasting a subject on the Lemarchal family on the show, Miss France 2012 was overcome by emotion. “Yes, I watched him at Star Academy when I was little. He was like an angel who embodied purity. It’s sad! Congratulations to his family who continue to raise funds for this disease”, she replied. Other columnists have spoken out about the winner of the musical programme’s fourth season, who died 15 years ago of complications from cystic fibrosis, including Jean-Pascal Lacoste, who called him the most beautiful voice in the world. ‘story of the Star Ac’.

We don’t forget, life goes on

If next April 30 will mark the 15th anniversary of his death, next May 13, Grégory Lemarchal would have celebrated his 39th birthday. Two dates that will arouse a lot of emotion, especially within the family of the late singer. A terrible loss but which did not prevent her from moving forward. And an event came to change the “bad habits”.

Grégory’s sister, Leslie became a mother. Not once but twice. Indeed, she gave birth to Paul (4 years old) and Jeanne (7 months). “It fills us with joy. Moreover, since the birth of my grandson Paul, we celebrate Christmas again, which we have not done for ten years, since the death of Gregtold our colleagues from Gala, Laurence Lemarchal. “I couldn’t stand family celebrations anymore, I didn’t go to weddings or birthday parties. I couldn’t do it anymore. Thanks to Paul, life has regained its rights. We have two wonderful grandchildren. They are our little suns. Really”.

Very nice news!

See also: TPMP: Delphine Wespiser arrives on the show!

Sylvain Majadahonda

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