Benign tongue disorders

What is it about ?

These are benign tongue abnormalities that never turn into cancer. These include geographic tongue, black hairy (or hairy) tongue, plicatured or fissured tongue, inflammation of the diamond-shaped tongue (diamond-shaped glossitis) and varicose veins of the tongue.

  • The geographic language. We do not know the cause. However, there is an association with stress, asthma, psoriasis, predisposition to eczema, allergies and oculourethro-synovial syndrome (simultaneous inflammation of the eyes, urethra and joints). This disease often goes hand in hand with cracks in the tongue.
  • The black hairy tongue is due to the excessive proliferation and defective exfoliation of certain papillae of the tongue. There is usually no specific cause, but this disease can occur after using antibiotics, corticosteroids, certain mouthwashes, after radiation therapy, or if you smoke and have poor mouth hygiene.
  • THE’inflammation of the diamond-shaped tongue (diamond-shaped glossitis) was once considered a birth defect; today we think more of a chronic infection by fungi.
  • The varicose veins of the tongue are veins in the tongue that are dilated.

How to recognize them?

Most of these tongue diseases usually do not cause any symptoms. Sometimes there is a burning sensation, for example after consuming citrus fruits, alcohol or spices or using tobacco or if you have an additional infection.

In the case of geographic tongue, the inflammation causes irregular red spots on the surface of the tongue that move. These spots are often surrounded by a pale yellow rim and can change shape, sometimes even every day. They can also appear elsewhere in the mouth.

In the case of black hairy tongue, the tongue is covered with a layer of hairy appearance of white, light brown or dark brown.

In the case of plicatured tongue, cracks in the mucous membrane divide the surface of the tongue into several lobes. The tongue is redder than normal. About 20% of people who have a geographic tongue also have a plicatured tongue. Cracks can be the site of infection, and symptoms can develop.

Inflammation of the diamond-shaped tongue (lozenge glossitis) can be recognized by a red, diamond-shaped or oval patch with a smooth surface in the middle and front of the tongue.

The varicose veins of the tongue are located under the tongue.

How is the diagnosis made?

Usually, the doctor makes the diagnosis just by seeing the tongue. In case of doubt, he can take a sample for additional laboratory examinations.

What can you do ?

Contact the doctor if you are concerned. Good oral hygiene is very important in almost all of these diseases. Avoid smoking, be careful with certain medications, and always follow your doctor’s instructions. If necessary, clean the tongue with a toothbrush or tongue scraper.

What can the doctor do?

All of these conditions are mild and do not require treatment unless they cause symptoms. In this case, a trial treatment with ointment against fungus (antifungal ointment) can reduce the burning sensations. In the event of geographic tongue, a cortisone-based cream is sometimes prescribed.

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Benign lesions of the tongue’ (2000), updated on 24.03.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 26.05.2019 – ebpracticenet