benefits, overdose, contraindications… We tell you everything!

Zinc is important for the body because it has many benefits, however, it is important not to exceed the recommended daily dosage to avoid unpleasant effects.


Zinc is a trace element present in small quantities in the body. It is anti-inflammatory and helps increase our immune defenses, maintain the quality of the skin, hair and nails. It plays a role in sight, taste and smell. It is a protection against oxidative stress responsible for aging. It is recommended to take Zinc during meals.

Non-exhaustive list of foods rich in Zinc

  • Oyster (richest food)
  • Ground beef 5% fat
  • Comté, Parmesan
  • Pecan nuts
  • Cooked ham
  • Egg yolk
  • Cooked lentils
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Wholemeal bread, grain bread

Effects in case of daily overdose

In excess, especially with the intake of food supplements, this can cause nausea/vomiting, immune weakening, headaches, fatigue…

The consumption not to be exceeded is 40 mg.

Recommended dosage:

  • for a man is 12 mg/day
  • for a woman is 10 mg/day
  • for pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly: between 15 and 23 mg/day


It is advisable to avoid taking zinc when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The advice of the doctor should be sought when taking other medications.

Did you know ? Taking iron and zinc can slow their absorption!

Jeanette Atme Daou

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