Bénédicte Delmas (Under the sun): Her husband and father of her daughter Lou-Anne is a famous television man

If a woman’s love for herself is essential, that of her loved ones is even more so. Bénédicte Delmas is lucky to be a fulfilled mother. His daughter Lou-Anne turned 16 at the start of the year, a teenager born of her love with the man who has shared her life for more than 15 years: Toma de Matteis.

This name may mean nothing to you. However, you must have already watched one of the programs on which he collaborated as artistic director. Toma de Matteis is also an important pillar of French television since it is partly to him that we owe the series More beautiful life and such a big sun. For the France 3 series, he also worked hand in hand with his wife, director of several episodes between 2007 and 2013 before leaving the ship to devote himself to other projects.

On the pro side, Bénédicte Delmas is not left out either. After spending her time in front of the cameras, the actress became a director. His first committed TV movie, They… The girls of Plessiswas rewarded with several prizes including the public prize at the Luchon television creation festival in 2016. She also continued her work in series such as Cain, Mongeville, Clem or Tandem and The code, broadcast on streaming platforms. Between Bénédicte Delmas and Toma de Matteis, it’s a rolling business. When is their romantic comedy?

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