Beluga in the Seine: an expected rescue



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Thursday, August 4, a rescue operation is being prepared in Normandy to help the beluga spotted in the Seine. Well barnier is in duplex from the Eure to explain the rest of the events.

The Eure authorities are hard at work in Saint-Pierre-la-Garenne to try to save the beluga whale swimming in the waters of the Seine. “The authorities are doing everything they can to try to save this giant of the seas which, I remind you, is not made to survive for long in fresh water”reveals Ben barnier. Several plans are being considered to evacuate the animal from its current location.

There are two plans favored by the authorities to bring the beluga away. “There are mainly two options. The best scenario would be to bring it gently to a beach so that rescuers can pick it up and bring it back to its natural environment. Option number 2: push it gently towards the exit, that is to say Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) and therefore the sea. But for that, he must be in good health. However, the images from the drones of the firefighters show that this beluga is rather thin”says Ben barnier.

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