Hand in hand, a thousand opponents of health measures formed a chain on Saturday, near a service road to Highway 20, in Beloeil, chanting “Freedom! Freedom ! Freedom ! “.
Posted at 2:29 p.m.
Updated at 7:49 p.m.
During the afternoon, the demonstrators transformed this stretch of road into open-air festivities. The horns of trucks and other vehicles sounded, raising the arms of people forming the human chain. Beer in hand, protesters swayed to the rhythm of pop tunes, waving Canadian flags. In the ambient hubbub where “Fuck Trudeau” resounded, families waved stuffed animals “for the freedom of children”.

Similar gatherings were held elsewhere in the province, notably in Lévis, Rimouski, Saint-Cyrille-de-Wendover, as well as in Rigaud. A demonstration also took place in Ottawa. Despite the recent relaxation of sanitary measures, protesters present in Beloeil said that it was not enough.
This is the case of Mélodie Gauvreau Capcha, resident of Mont-Saint-Hilaire. “They say they are going to remove certain sanitary measures, but it is almost written in the sky that they will put it back in June,” said the mother of the family, wearing a headband in the colors of the maple leaf.
Sitting in the back of a van, David Bernard said he agreed. “The measurements are not finished at all, launched the man, in the company of his 4-year-old daughter. They put them in their tool box and can take them out anytime. »

People taking part in the rally against health measures in Beloeil
On the service road, several cars passing in front of the human chain displayed the message “Freedom convoy 2022”. Mme Gauvreau Capcha also says that she went to Ottawa a month ago to take part in the demonstrations. After more than three weeks of occupation of the city center of the capital, the police finally dislodged the protesters at the end of February.
Tide of cars in Beloeil
The event took place under police surveillance. The agents were also present to move the many cars that invaded the streets of Beloeil.

The streets of Beloeil were particularly busy on Saturday.
Near Victor-Brillon Park, where protesters had gathered before going to form the human chain, Laurie Robinson was standing through the opening of the sunroof of a car. “I want to regain my rights and freedoms violated for two years,” said the resident of La Prairie, waving a flag of Canada and another of Quebec, smiling.