Bella, the shipwrecked dog, finds a new family

(Manzanillo) Bella, the dog rescued from the waters with an Australian castaway in the Pacific, has been adopted by a new master, a story that is making headlines in Mexico where the authorities of the capital celebrate Friday the “International Day of the dog”.

His new master is called Genaro Rosales, 48 ​​years old. He is a crew member of the fishing boat that located Bella and Timothy Shaddock, 54, aboard a drifting catamaran, 1,200 miles (about 2,200 km) offshore.

“I was one of those who was the first in contact with her,” he says in Manzanillo, the port where the castaway and the dog were brought back on Wednesday.

They had survived by eating raw fish and drinking rainwater, the Australian press said.

Shaddock left in April from La Paz, for a 6000 km crossing to French Polynesia. A storm damaged his boat, Aloha Toa.

Before he weighed anchor, he had known Bella, who wandered the streets. Failing to find him a base, and given the dog’s insistence, he had taken her with him.

“Second Father”

It was without Bella that Shaddock got off the fishing boat on Wednesday. The dog remained on board.

Currently staying in a hotel, the adventurer has decided to return home to Australia.

To spare Bella the stress of a long trip, he separated from his misfortune companion, to whom he paid tribute: “She is much braver than me. […] she is incredible “.

The Australian entrusted Bella to Rosales, who presents himself as his “second dad”.

“Timothy saw how I treated Bella, the attentions I had for her,” explains the Mexican sailor. “I told him that I liked animals. I already have a small dog, cats, parakeets”.

Bella is a dog of about three years old with a dark coat, with golden spots.

“She is very docile,” continues her new master. “The vet told me she was a little stressed, due to the time she spent on the high seas.”

Mexico City City Hall announced an “International Dog Day” on July 21, and an “Animal Welfare Day” on Saturday.

“In Mexico City, 78% of the population consider pets to be members of the family,” according to authorities in a city where dog beauty salons and guardians walking half a dozen German shepherds, golden retrievers, poodles or huskies on a leash are part of the landscape.

This international day is however scheduled for August 26, according to the International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA in English).

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