Belgian justice refuses to hand over Moroccan imam to France

HASAccused of anti-Semitic and misogynistic remarks by the French Minister of the Interior, the Moroccan preacher Hassan Iquioussen is claimed by the French justice system for having escaped a measure of removal this summer.

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A Belgian court refused Friday, October 21 to execute the European arrest warrant targeting the Moroccan preacher Hassan Iquioussen, claimed by French justice for having evaded a removal measure this summer, announced the French lawyer of Hassan Iquioussen at France Televisions. “Monday, we will have the reasons of the judge on this non-surrender to France”said his Belgian lawyer Nicolas Cohen to France Télévisions.

>> Who is Hassan Iquioussen, the fugitive imam targeted by a European arrest warrant?

The prosecution decided in favor of an extradition and should appeal this decision, also specified to France Télévisions the Belgian lawyer, adding that Imam Hassan Iquioussen should meanwhile remain in prison in Belgium. The imam, arrested in Belgium on September 30, challenges his extradition. Nicolas Cohen notably pleaded that he risked “an unfair trial” in France, “because of the magnitude of the controversy”he explained to AFP.

At the end of July, the French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin announced the expulsion of this preacher from the North, on file S (for state security) by the intelligence services. “for eighteen months”, according to him. The expulsion order accused him “a proselytizing speech interspersed with remarks inciting hatred and discrimination and carrying a vision of Islam contrary to the values ​​of the Republic”.

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