Belarus warns Poland against “any provocation” at the border

The two countries have been struggling for weeks over the arrival of thousands of migrants wanting enter the European Union.

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Belarus is raising the tone. The dietAlexander Lukashenko on Tuesday 9 November warned Poland against “any provocation” at the border between the two countries, where thousands of migrants are massed wanting to enter the European Union. Minsk and Warsaw have been struggling for weeks on the migration issue.

>> On the borders of Europe, migrants trapped in a “hybrid war” between Belarus and Poland

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is accused by the EU of orchestrating the arrival of this wave of migrants in response to European sanctions against his country after the brutal repression suffered by the opposition.

The Belarusian Foreign Ministry blasted the “Warsaw’s longstanding disregard for objective reality and its ostrich-like approaches to solving serious problems”, as well as “untenable attempts” from Poland from “reject responsibility” of the migration crisis at the border.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, for his part, said the influx of migrants to the border threatened “stability and security” from across the European Union. “Sealing the Polish border is in our national interest. But today the stability and security of the entire EU is at stake.”, wrote the head of the Polish government on Twitter.

Warsaw has deployed a large military post on the border, with thousands of soldiers. THEPoland has also erected a fence with sharp barbed wire and established a state of emergency preventing the presence of media in the area.

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