Belarus says ready for Russia-Ukraine talks

Belarusian authorities announced on Monday that they are ready to host the planned talks between Russia and Ukraine, although the delegations have not yet arrived, on the fifth day of the invasion launched by Moscow.

“The venue for talks between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus is ready and we are waiting for the delegations,” the Belarusian foreign ministry said on Facebook.

He posted a photograph of the room for the talks, with a long table with about ten chairs on each side and the flags of the three countries in the background.

Ukraine on Sunday accepted the idea of ​​negotiations with Russia even if it indicated that it “didn’t really believe” that these could put an end to the Russian invasion launched Thursday morning.

These discussions between Ukrainian and Russian delegations are planned on the border between Ukraine and Belarus, despite the fact that this country serves as a rear base for Moscow’s forces for their attack on Kiev.

These talks will take place “without preconditions”, according to Ukraine, which assured that it did not intend “to capitulate”.

According to Kiev, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, an ally of Vladimir Putin, promised that Russian planes, helicopters and missiles deployed on its territory would remain on the ground during the arrival, negotiations and departure of the Ukrainian delegation.

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