Belarus calls on Ukraine to “agree” with Russia to end the conflict

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, an ally of Moscow, judges that the outcome of the conflict “depends on Ukraine” and its Western allies.

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“Come on, let’s stop. We must not go any further.” Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko called on kyiv and the West to end the war in Ukraine on Thursday July 21 in an exclusive interview with AFP in Minsk. “Further, it’s the precipice. Further, it’s nuclear war. (…) We must stop, get along, stop this chaos”he asked.

Main ally of Moscow, Alexander Lukashenko had lent the territory of his country to the Russian army, at the beginning of the year, so that it could launch its offensive on Ukraine on February 24. According to him, it is today the Europeans and the Americans who encourage Ukraine to fight. “It all depends on Ukraine, currently, the peculiarity of the moment is that the war can end in more preferable conditions for Ukraine”he judges.

How to end the war? The Belarusian President believes that Ukraine must agree to “never have on (its) territory (…) weapons threatening Russia”. It must also record the loss of the regions occupied by Russia in the East and the South. “This is no longer discussed, we could have discussed it in February, March”but not anymore, he judged.

According to him, the West bears the responsibility for this war. “If Russia hadn’t outstripped NATO, you would have organized and hit it”he hammered. “You are at the origin and you prolong this war”he accused.

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