“Being on the ‘Masterchef’ jury? It can be fun!”

The list of publications embodied by an animator is growing. After Sophie Davant, Michel Cymès or Stéphane Plaza, it is Julie Andrieu who lends her face to Chewable!, a quarterly of which the 1er issue has been on newsstands since Thursday, April 14. She is the editorial director.

“A provincial press group, Turbulences Presse, offered it to me. I have more than 3,000 recipes archived in a computer file, it’s a little treasure for a magazine!”

Julie Andrieu

on franceinfo

“We first embroidered around the season: what do we eat at what time of the year? And I also wanted to install more personal sections, not just recipes. I tried to make it a reflection of my life, a form of art of living. And then I wanted to have fun!”confides Julie Andrieu, who became a food critic without having gone through a cooking school.

She asserts her self-taught career: “I was raised by a single mother, an actress (Nicole Courcel). Cooking was a non-subject at home. Looking back, it was also quite catastrophic what we ate. I think that I am interested in cooking precisely because I had this non-culture. At one point, I said to myself that I had to forge this culinary culture, that I go to the market, that I learn what is a product and how to cook it. And I went into a kind of frenzy: I had to know everything! Since then, I have never stopped. But becoming a chef does not interest me at all. I have always cultivated a form of independence. At first the idea of ​​a brigade is quite foreign to me. I wanted to be the little bird at the end of the branch: no boss, no employee and no impossible schedule”, specifies Julie Andrieu on franceinfo.

For 10 years, Julie Andrieu has been offering Julie’s Notebooks on France 3, every Saturday afternoon.

The show will take a break at the start of the school year, to make way for another culinary program, still with the same host. “We are filming, there will be about ten and I hope that after Julie’s Notebooks will come back. I can’t tell you more about this new show, but I can reassure you: we’re still around the kitchen!”

Between her work and her children to whom she gives all her free time, the journalist admits that she does not watch TV. Not even cooking contests like Top chef : I am not denigrating these programs, but at 8:50 p.m., I am with the children. Cooking takes up so much space in my life that when I have some free time, I do something else. But if the return of master chef is confirmed, why not be part of the jury? It can be fun. In addition, they are amateurs so I might have more legitimacy than on chefs!”, concludes Julie Andrieu.

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