Beijing simulates a “closure” of the island and denounces the “intrusion” of an American destroyer in the South China Sea

On the third day of its military maneuvers, China conducted live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait.

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The US destroyer USS Milius in the waters of the South China Sea on November 20, 2021. (OMAR-KAREEM POWELL / US NAVY / AFP)

The tension does not go down around Taiwan. On the third day of its military maneuvers, Monday April 10, China has conducted live-fire exercises in the Taiwan Strait to simulate a “loopback” from the island. beijing claims to have mobilized its aircraft carrier shandong as well as fighter planes “carrying live ammunition” to conduct “simulated strikes” near Taiwan. The Taiwanese Ministry of Defense has meanwhile announced that it has detected 11 Chinese warships and 59 aircraft around the island. Fighter jets and bombers were among the aircraft spotted on Monday morning.

At the same time, China condemned the“illegal trespass” of a US destroyer in an area of ​​the South China Sea claimed by Beijing. This statement comes after the United States Navy announced that theUSS Milius had led a “freedom of navigation operation” in this sector. The destroyer passed within 12 nautical miles (about 22 km) of Mischief Reef, claimed by China and other countries in the region.

Japan mobilizes fighter jets

The move came as China conducts large-scale military exercises around Taiwan to protest a visit to the United States by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. “Taiwan independence and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are mutually exclusive”said Wang Wenbin, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Japan, for its part, claimed to have mobilized fighter jets in recent days, due to the imposing Chinese naval air maneuvers around Taiwan. Two escort groups from Japanese forces were mobilized for this surveillance mission and “air self-defense force fighter jets were deployed” in response to the intense activity of Chinese fighter jets, the Japanese general staff said.

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