Beijing has expressed its “support” for Vladimir Putin to “stabilize the situation”, according to Russian diplomacy

China always in support of Russia. Moscow affirmed, Sunday June 25, that Beijing had expressed its “support” to President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to “stabilize the situation” after the failed rebellion of the paramilitary group Wagner, which shook the Kremlin on Saturday. Follow our live.

Return to the barracks for the Wagner militia. The fighters of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s group “complete their withdrawal from the territory of the Voronezh region”, “without incident”, local governor Alexander Goussev reported on Sunday. They also have “left the territory” of the Lipetsk region, according to the authorities. Further south, the paramilitaries who had taken control of the army headquarters in Rostov left the city overnight, regional governor Vasily Golubev announced.

Yevgeny Prigojine on his way to Belarus? We did not know, Sunday morning, where was the tempestuous boss of Wagner, who had promised the day before “to liberate the Russian people” by launching his troops towards Moscow, before turning back. While the precise terms of the agreement with Wagner remain subject to speculation, the Kremlin has assured that the proceedings launched against the militia leader following his rebellion will be “abandoned” and that he “go to Belarus”.

Wagner’s boss deprived of one of his main communication channels. The account of the press service of the Concord company of Yevgeny Prigojine was deleted, Sunday, on the Russian social network Vkontakte. A message explains that this censorship ordered by the Russian telecommunications policeman Roskomnadzor was demanded by the public prosecutor.

Moscow still under “anti-terrorist operation regime”. The “anti-terrorist operation regime” established in Moscow and its region since the night of Friday to Saturday remained in force on Sunday, despite Wagner’s about-face. Large police patrols were still deployed along the main road leading out of Moscow, in the south of the capital. Traffic restrictions were also maintained on the highway linking Moscow to Rostov.

Five dead in a strike on kyiv. The death toll from a Russian airstrike on kyiv, carried out early on Saturday morning, has risen to five dead, the mayor of the capital said on Sunday, Vitaliy Klichko, after the discovery of two other people in the rubble.

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