Beijing from the Hess to Toulouse, Agen and Narbonne

Two young cousins ​​who are thirsty for adventure, for surpassing themselves, and who in the past have encountered difficulties to live: Tanguy Ballanger22 years old and Anthony Peron, 21, wants to tour France like the Beijing Express. Fans of the M6 ​​show and the values ​​it advocates, they want to take action to help people in need. At the end of May or the beginning of June they will therefore be in Narbonne, Toulouse and Agen. Tanguy’s first radio interview on France Blue Occitania.

The start will take place on Monday, May 2 in Orléans. There will be 31 stages in 32 cities, i.e. 4408 km of road trip. Of these 4408 km, they must walk 1000 km, which represents 31.25 km per day. To reach each stage, a time limit will be imposed (between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.). To spend the nights, they will try to sleep with the locals, a tent will be in their possession if no one can accommodate them. They will have 2.50€ per person per day to meet our needs and unforeseen circumstances. To contact them: [email protected]

Beijing of the hess

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