Beijing Express: Candidates in danger at the inhabitant, they call security!

On February 10, M6 kicked off Beijing Express 2022a season called In the land of the golden eagle. Thus, viewers discovered the eight pairs that made up this new edition, including the prankster cousins ​​Ahmed (18) and Tarik (25). If they had an extraordinary adventure, they did not hide that they were very scared during an evening.

They are good humor incarnate. The two candidates who come from Cheny and Migennes (in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) are very close first cousins, an asset for the competition. And it’s an even stronger experience for Tarik and Ahmed because they had never travelled. They were therefore amazed by the landscapes of Kyrgyzstan, in Central Asia. And it should be just as much for those of Uzbekistan, the country of the next stage.

By participating in Beijing Express, Tarik and Ahmed have outdone themselves. But they also had a good scare as they confided in PRBK. Both have indeed told a “holy spoiler“to our colleagues.”We slept with a local, in the end it was security who came to get us“, first of all confided the charming brown who is not a heart to take. They did not specify during which stage this famous evening took place, but they agreed to say a little more . “We arrived, it was all joyful becausethey were in party mode, they were tipsy. But alcohol as soon as it drops and it comes back down is not the same. So in the evening, as soon as it goes down it was explosive“Ahmed continued.

The scene took place when the two candidates were already in bed. Suddenly, around midnight or one o’clock in the morning, they heard shouting and banging on the tables. “From there we said to ourselves we will call the social security they will come and get us, we bar it’s better. When you’re 40,000 kilometers from home, it’s freaking out“, concluded Tarik.

Fortunately, more fear than harm for the cousins ​​who were still there to tell this filming anecdote.

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