Beijing 2022 Olympics: the ordeal of a Finnish athlete, frozen at the level of the … penis!

These Winter Olympics will have reserved some surprises for us this year. A real star of these Olympic Games, the American Shaun White could not leave with a fourth first place in as many participations, while the Cizeron-Papadakis couple ended up winning the gold they were missing. An event in a very particular context with the health crisis which will have forced athletes to undergo numerous tests and for those who have contracted covid, it was sometimes a painful and long ordeal. As for the weather, if we complained for a long time about the lack of snow and the mild temperatures, things quickly changed once there.

With polar temperatures, some events have turned into torture for the athletes, forced to perform outdoors in often very complicated conditions. Among the athletes who have particularly suffered from the cold, the Finn Remi Lindholm is an extreme case. Committed to the mass start, an event that had been shortened from 50 km to 30 km due to weather conditions, the young 24-year-old athlete experienced a race that he will remember for a long time. The young man was forced to use a hot water bottle to warm up his private parts since his penis has “frozen a little”as reported by the British media The Guardian.

When my body started to warm up after the finish, the pain (in the penis) was intolerable

“It was one of my worst competitions. The goal was just to struggle. When my body started to warm up after the finish, the pain (in the penis) was intolerable and I had to use a hot water bottle.”he said after the race where temperatures dropped to a feeling of minus 20 degrees Celsius with gusty winds.

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