behind the scenes of the ministers’ dinner at the Elysée, between cuddle therapy and defense of the government’s balance sheet

Emmanuel Macron received members of the government for a dinner at the Élysée on Tuesday July 18, before a reshuffle which must be announced by the end of the week, according to information from franceinfo.

“We will have a lot of decisive reforms to carry out at the start of the school year. Things will not be simpler at the start of the next school year, because French political life will not be simplified”said the Head of State during the traditional end-of-year dinner with the ministers, organized on Tuesday July 18, according to participants.

>> How did Emmanuel Macron decide to keep Elisabeth Borne at the head of the government for the time being?

“We have taken major measures on employment, energy or ecological transition. We have carried out major reforms. We will continue”defended the President of the Republic, jazz in the background, addressing his ministers, “We must have a lot of calm, perseverance and constancy in the action we lead. The government has carried out many reforms that were envisaged by some, delayed by others, unthinkable for many”added Emmanuel Macron, report participants at this dinner.

But the question that occupied the minds of many of the ministers present was more surely this: will I still be here next week? A reshuffle must indeed be announced by the end of the week, according to information from franceinfo. Last night, Emmanuel Macron invited each member of the government to “take a long distance”and also thanked “families” members of the government, because he says he knows “how much those who share your lives carry part of the constraint of the vicissitudes that you have to undergo”.

“In a past life I was in your shoes, I know these times are never pleasant.”

Emmanuel Macron

to his ministers

Johnny, Angèle, Goldman and pats on the back

So, to try to relax everyone, the President goes from table to table in the garden, a pat on the back here, a little note there. He strolls, exchanges five minutes with Pap Ndiaye “looks a bit worried”reports one of his colleagues, before stopping for a moment with those who risk nothing: Bruno Le Maire, Gérald Darmanin, Eric Dupond-Moretti.

Further on, Olivier Véran thinks he will stay. In the speakers, it’s time for Johnny Haliday, “The urge to want”. Marlène Schiappa gives the impression that it’s over, while Olivier Klein discusses with the First Lady, hoping to get out of it. Gabriel Attal spends time on his laptop, while Angèle and Goldman follow each other in the bafles. Elisabeth Borne, too, goes from minister to minister, while Emmanuel Macron has announced to keep her in her post.

“How do you see things?”, she says several times. She has just emerged from an interview with Emmanuel Macron and knows that the puzzle is not over. In the loudspeakers, Goldman sings “I give you… A fragile and strong shoulder at the same time”. It is more or less that. Some will tomorrow be job seekers.

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