behind the scenes of the ice cream production of David Wesmaël, Meilleur Ouvrier de France


France 2

Article written by

A. Malesson, B. Six, C. Terroille, L. De Pavant, J. Ababsa, J. Vlasseman, AM. Black pudding – France 2

France Televisions

In the summer series on exceptional ice cream artisans, Wednesday July 27, a short trip to Lille for a taste experience at the Meilleur Ouvrier de France, David Wesmael.

It is a Parisian shop in which it is good to get lost, especially in the middle of summer, under the strong heat. Once inside, it’s hard to make a choice in La Glacerie. But no matter which flavor of ice cream you choose, the result is always appreciated. “It’s super good. The chocolate taste is incredible”says a little girl. “Every time I come, there is often a queue so when there is a queue in general, it is always a guarantee of quality”says a foodie.

Behind these mirrors hides a man: David Wesmaël. He has set up a shop in Paris, but comes from the North. The manufacturing laboratory is located in Hauts-de-France, a few kilometers from Lille (Nord). It all started for him in the Somme, with an observation internship with a pastry chef, then an apprenticeship at 16, the bakery CAP until he became Meilleur Ouvrier de France at 28 and world pastry champion at 30. . In his workshop, the enthusiast works with products from short circuits. Its identity: sublimating fruit and constantly creating new frozen desserts.

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