behind the scenes of the festivities



France 2

Article written by

M. Boisseau, D. Schlienger, E. Noe – France 2

France Televisions

In London (England), Queen Elizabeth II will be honored from June 2 to 5 for a historic birthday: it celebrates its 70 years of reign. The France Télévisions teams were able to attend the rehearsals of the festivities. On the spot, the journalist Matthieu Boisseau tells.

What will the festivities look like?There will be plenty of festive events across the UK, there are already a lot of people here in London around the Palace of buckingham where a grandstand and a stage are set up in anticipation of the military parade on Thursday and the big concert on Saturday evening. The festive atmosphere has spread across the country“, reports journalist Matthieu Boisseau, live from London (England). In fact, nothing that repetition general drew the crowd. Five days before Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, June 2, it’s time for final preparations. On behalf of his grandmother, Prince William reviewed the 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians who will parade before the Queen on Thursday.

This is at least what is expected because it is difficult to know the exact state of health of Elizabeth II. She reassured by paying a visit to the Chelsea flower market this week. As always smiling, dressed to the nines in her pink suit, she didn’t get out of her cart. She would have great difficulty walking. The parade of Trooping the Color” will open the festivities, awaited and prepared by thousands of Britons. Pupils from Windsor School even wrote a song to celebrate their queen. Four public holidays have been declared in the UK to allow everyone to join in the fun.

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