behind the scenes of a flamboyant and demanding ballet



France 3

Article written by

V. Gaget, J.-M. Lequertier, G. Beaufils, M. Peignier, T. Busschaert, A. Tranchant – France 3

France Televisions

Like every year, the Paris Opera organizes a great classical ballet on the occasion of the end of the year celebrations. This year, Don Quixote is showing. The show choreographed by Rudolf Nureyev welcomes in its ranks Valentine Colasante, a principal dancer particularly attached to this ballet.

In Don Quixote, Valentine Colasante is Kitri. The young dancer has a special relationship to this role, which in 2018 allowed her to realize her dream: to become a principal dancer. “It remains an extraordinary memory, there was something quite magical. I think I will never forget this show”, she testifies with emotion. Valentine and the whole corps de ballet take this festive work to the Paris Opera.

The three-act play is very demanding, all the more so for the main roles, played by Valentine and her partner Paul Marc. The two dancers were given a month to rehearse the piece in the studio. “Physically it’s a real test. We are in the heart of a top athlete, except that no one has to know it, because we are telling a story, because it is above all art”, says Jean-Guillaume Baer, ​​the coach of the Paris Opera ballet.

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