Behind the Idrissa Gueye affair, the question of homosexuality in Senegal

The more the hours pass, the more they are to step up and the more the speeches tense in the name of the cultural differences between Africa and the West. Because in Senegal, a 95% Muslim country, homosexuality is considered deviance, an act against nature.
But Idrissa Gueye is suspected of having withdrawn at the last minute so as not to have to wear a jersey in the rainbow colors of LGBT pride… Last year already, he had not participated in the operation officially due to gastroenteritis.
But for his supporters, there is no debate! He was right to remain “anchored in his values ​​and in his faith which make + senegalism +”. This is what his teammates from the Teranga Lions, winners of the first African Cup of Nations (CAN) last February, say pell-mell, the president of the Senegalese Football Federation… Many anonymous Senegalese share in status of photos of Gana Gueye on pilgrimage to Mecca.

The writer and intellectual Boubacar Boris Diop, winner of the prestigious Neustadt prize, affirms his “total solidarity”. ” When we sign [un contrat avec un club]it’s to play football, it’s not to promote anything or put aside your beliefs said Sports Minister Matar Bâ. One of the main national political figures and main opponent of President Macky Sall, Ousmane Sonko: “The + toubabs + (whites, in wolof) believe that we are garbage and that only they have values“. Even the head of state Macky Sall, split a message on Twitter calling to “respect” the religious beliefs of the player.

Senegal is often cited as an example of the rule of law in Africa: yet a relationship with a person of the same sex can be worth up to 5 years in prison, as well as a fine of 100,000 to 1,500,000 francs ( 152 to 2,286 euros). Law assumed and defended 100% by the Head of State in the name of cultural specificities as in 2020 when he received Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: “these laws are a reflection of our way of life… they have nothing to do with homophobia“. He then imagines difficult the “ legalization and gay parades “.

Macky Sall, often accused by his conservative opponents of getting too close to Western discourse, must also give guarantees to his public opinion. LGBT defense associations denounce a rise in attacks and homophobic remarks in recent years

The main interested party has still not spoken. But yesterday the National Ethics Council of the French Football Federation asked him either to deny the rumours, by posing for a photo wearing the famous rainbow jersey or to become aware of the fact that he has committed, I quote “a very serious error”.

By refusing to participate in this collective operation“, writes the CNE, “you in fact validate discriminatory behavior, the refusal of the other, and not only against the LGBTQI + community. Football’s impact on society and the ability of players to be role models gives us all a special responsibility.“. Not sure that this kind of remarks can ease tensions in Senegal.

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