Behind the door | When love (and sex) has no age

The Press offers you a weekly testimony that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: Delphine*, octogenarian

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Silvia Galipeau

Silvia Galipeau
The Press

Delphine is over 80 years old. This does not prevent him from living today, and with the third man of his life, a real “apotheosis”, downright a “coronation”.

Hold on tight: with her lover of the past five years, they make love morning and evening, “almost” every day, she wrote to us earlier this winter. “We are like two teenagers! »

She also has a “full life,” she said, and she could hardly say better. On this early afternoon in June, when we meet at her place, in a pretty residential area of ​​the region, we understand that she has put us in between two appointments. His testimony, express, and all in lightness, will last less than an hour flat.

Drizzled with a good Pouilly, between several giggles, Delphine quickly goes through several parts of her life. To make it short, no doubt, certainly out of modesty, but above all so as not to be recognized. And above all because the essential is elsewhere: here, and now.

This is how we guess that she discovered sexuality with her first husband, somewhere in her early twenties. And then ? His laughter says it all. “I was expecting the Song of Songs. To something very beautiful, for me it is the most beautiful love poem! So she was disappointed? Another giggle. “Let’s just say it wasn’t famous. Disappointed with this first time, or with the whole relationship? “All 30 years,” she says, still laughing.

It’s that the gentleman wasn’t too keen on the thing, let’s say. “We rarely did that. And not to my taste. I made advances to him, and he told me he was not a sex object. »

That said, this rejection obviously did not affect her too much. “I knew I was attractive and that I aroused desire,” she continues. Only, not my husband’s! If she cheated on him? “Well yes,” she replies, in a tone of evidence. Three, four times rather than one. Somewhere around her 40s, once her children were grown. And no, she never felt guilty. “Pantoute! Besides, she still remembers one of her lovers. A guy she’s probably been in love with for a long time. “You, you like that, making love, it seems…”, he said.

Still, at the end of these 30 years of marriage, Monsieur left. “He did me a favor,” she slips. Still, she was sad. A lot. And it seems. “Not because of him. But for my family that was breaking up…”

She does not expand too much on the subject, then quickly goes to meet her, a few years later, with the second man in her life. A meeting worthy of a fairy tale, ordered by his own mother, and which bore fruit. Long story short, they spent the next 20 years together!

He took me to a restaurant, and the first question he asked me was: do you like making love? I said yes !


Quite a turnaround, we agree.

Monsieur had had a first wife who “didn’t like that” (well, well); but he, obviously, “loved women”, she continues. “He was a handsome man, she said, it was very, very good. He was active until three or four months before his death. Died a beautiful death, as they say, less than 10 years ago.

Delphine therefore finds herself alone again, around her 75th birthday. But don’t think his life is over here. ” Oh no ! she says. Let’s see! On the contrary, in a way, it begins. After a few long months of celibacy (“and I was really tired, I had never been alone!”), she asked her son to take her picture, to register on a dating site. “Elite something,” she said. I paid for three months, but I wasted my money because the same day my current spouse wrote to me! »

A “handsome man”, again (all his companions were very handsome, she takes the trouble to specify), who answered ” [ses] criteria”. Both did not want to “waste time” and therefore quickly made an appointment. And their first meeting seems like love at first sight. ” What a handsome man ! she told him. ” Pretty lady ! “, he said to him. “And we left! It was very easy! »

In bed ? “Really the jackpot,” replies Delphine, without the slightest hesitation. He likes it a lot, and so do I. »

But beware, it goes far beyond pure physical pleasure, she says. “It’s being together, cajoling each other, making people forget what’s not pleasant in life! It restores the desire to live, to continue, it energizes! It is this aspect, long before physical pleasure! »

She gets shivers just thinking about it. “It is the communion of souls. Not just bodies, it’s way beyond that. […] We go well together, our bodies and our minds harmonize. It was an incredible chance that happened to me. »

How does she see the future? “I don’t think about that much,” she replies. One day at a time…”

Besides, we dare to ask the question: are the people around him also active? “If there are any of my age who still make love?” she rephrases with a smile. I do not know ! “A few years ago, she dared to slip a word of it to an acquaintance. “She called me a liar! So I’m not talking about anything anymore! “, she says, laughing even more.

* Fictitious name, to preserve his anonymity

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