Behind the door | The charmer with the pen

The Press offers you each week a testimony which aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: Arnold*, late sixties

Arnold has a beautiful pen. He has even already published. And to seduce women, and take them into his bed, he writes to them. Interview with a naughty writer.

The sixty-year-old thought about canceling “200 times” before meeting us. The fact is that no one is really aware of his story, quite funny thank you, apart from his shrink. Because he doesn’t write just anything, we will have understood that. In fact, he literally scripts the fantasies of his correspondents. Their desires are his orders, as the expression goes, and also dictate his prose. And then what happens next…

But let’s start at the beginning. “There are more people who were attacked in their youth than we think,” begins our interlocutor, seated in the background, in a busy restaurant in DIX30, one early afternoon recently. “I was attacked three times, by three different people. » Yes, three men around him, at 14, 16 then 18 years old. “We don’t forget,” he continues. But we don’t want to relive it in our memory. ” This explains that ? Arnold waited until he was 24 before his very first romantic relationship. “Very late,” he said. I was scared… “

This story – with a woman, like all those that follow – which he describes as “platonic” and about which we will know nothing, lasts 20 years. “And then I went to consult, because I wasn’t making progress, I wasn’t experiencing anything satisfactory. And I ended the relationship. »

He gets back on board quite quickly with “a friend” with whom, strangely, sexuality is not more fulfilling. “Platonic,” he repeats. Except this time, and after a few years, they start a conversation, a way of speaking. “If you want to look elsewhere,” his partner told him, “I don’t want to know.” » A statement that our Arnold takes as an invitation. “That’s not what I was looking for,” he adds. I’m not comfortable with that. […] I’m a guy of my word. […] But I have such a high libido! »

Still, after all these lean years, he quickly registered on a site “to live [ses] fantasies”, although without knowing exactly what he is “getting himself into”. It was 20 years ago.

There, and somewhat by chance, he begins to talk with a woman here, another there, and quickly, the conversation ends up being about their fantasies, precisely. As he likes to write for a living, our Arnold enjoys writing them on paper, or rather on a keyboard. “That’s what lights you up!” And who creates the link! But it’s not a strategy, he defends himself with a laugh. I like to write ! »

This is not planned! It’s more that by listening to the person, to please them, I write a scenario.


In 20 years, he must have written around forty stories. If you want to know everything, yes, he then personified almost all of them, with around fifteen different women. “Several women were given several scenarios,” he explains.

Think: different role-playing games, notably the naked cook under his apron, or the policeman, situational scenarios, such as making love in the rain, on the side of the highway, or even under a bridge. “Sometimes in public, sometimes in private. » Note: yes, the majority of his meetings were thus “scripted”. “I would say yes…”

“I have never had a one-night stand,” Arnold also explains, “and it has always been with women on this site. And yes, all of them had spouses. » He also has his reading of the situation, as unusual as it may be. “What stood out,” he notes, “is that their partners did not pay attention to what they liked, or what they would like to experience, or to have done. »

Conversely, he does. Better: “the scenario seems to light the flame,” he says, smiling. And we guess that the relationship that follows is all the more exciting. Obviously: “In general, it’s more intense, yes. I would say for both. There is already a predisposition, it ignites, it increases desire, expectations, intensity! I never thought I would speak like this! », he bursts out laughing.

No, he never even said a word about it to his partner. “She doesn’t want to know,” he repeats. And to this day, he’s still not very “comfortable” with it all. “It really disturbed me. I talked about it a lot with my psychologist. And the beauty of that is that he’s not there to judge you, but just to make you realize what you feel and what you need…”

For all kinds of reasons, Arnold stopped frequenting this famous site in recent years. He then turned to escort services (and he’s not very “proud” of that either), until he came across yet another woman, in an elevator this time, and quite recently. A “spark” later, and our man and the lady in question (70 years old!) were talking. For the first time in his life, Arnold has an affair with an older woman, but that’s not all: this time he has above all scripted his own fantasy. To him! “I was going to join her in the middle of the night,” he summarizes. “And…we made it!” »

Since then, they see each other when they can, and he even wonders if he isn’t a little in love. “But yes, I love my partner,” he says here. She is a great friend and life partner! »

Moral ? “Must there be one?” », replies Arnold. “For me,” he says, “unique love does not exist. And then I learned that loyalty is in the head. […] I also learned that while everyone enjoys sex, no one enjoys it the same way. » Ah yes, he adds before leaving us: “And no one is perfect, but it’s not because you have a double life that you are good or bad…”

* Fictitious first name, to protect anonymity

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