Behind the door | Marie-Pierre is a “unicorn”

The Press offers you a weekly testimony that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: Marie-Pierre*, 30 years old.

Posted at 1:00 p.m.

Silvia Galipeau

Silvia Galipeau
The Press

At 30, Marie-Pierre said to herself: “go”. No more fear of judgement, she was going to think of herself. Live. And above all experiment. With a woman, and why not with a woman in a relationship? It’s done. “I became their unicorn…”

The young woman wrote to us earlier this summer, when she was still in the questioning stage. Would she dare to “invite” herself into a couple, as a “unicorn” actually does, according to her “searches” (“Google is my friend!”)? And her role in all of this, what would it be? ” An object ? A fantasy? »

When we finally contacted her virtually (distance requires, Marie-Pierre is in the region), all these questions had evaporated. And to see his naughty look on camera, we can easily guess why.

But before we get to that, let’s start at the beginning, a tad less cheerful. It is that Marie-Pierre discovered sexuality at 18, with her lover of the moment. “But in the end, he was gay, and I didn’t know it,” she begins. He got into a relationship with a man two months later…” And in bed? “Really not the fun. I had pain, and he was not very comfortable. ” End of the story.

Marie-Pierre then finds herself with a man “who drank too much alcohol”. The relationship here lasts four years. And sexually, it’s not more fulfilling. Rather: “ordinary…”

I had never had an orgasm. I thought that was just it, making love. Not if the fun only that…

Marie Pierre

As a result of this relationship, she meets the father of her child, a story that stretches over six years. Sexually? Not better. “Routine, she illustrates, always the same movements, the same positions. Flat. » Worse: « bland ».

“I got pregnant after three months. I tried, tried, tried for six years to find love in him, she said, but in the end, no. »

It must be said that through these six years, she also cheated on him. And this is where she flourished. With a first man, she discovered her G-spot. “It was someone who made me discover that. It’s crazy ! It was sick, she laughs. So I started to think to myself that maybe I had never caught the right guy, the one who knows how, who listens to the woman? In any case, he knew. “At first, I didn’t know what was going on: but what do you do better than the others? This spot that all women love, he had the right technique and it was instantaneous, he knew where to go! »

Her second lover is just as skilled, albeit otherwise. “It’s not the fingers that are magic, it’s the tongue! I discovered the two good worlds! “, she says, laughing even more.

And the discoveries don’t stop there. It was once separated, at the age of 30, “at a drunken evening with the girls”, that Marie-Pierre then decided to dare. To explore even more. Somewhere else. “I have come to try with a woman,” she tells her friends. It’s now or never: “I’m single!” That was a few months ago.

stop fooling around, let’s go ! Do some experiments. […] Stop living for others. Be yourself.

Marie Pierre

Either, but if she wanted to dare with a woman, why look for a couple, then? “But because a woman alone intimidates me too much! “replies Marie-Pierre quite naturally. “I know how to please a man, I’m good, I’m told I’m not worse, but a woman? All alone ? It really intimidates me! Where to touch, how? »

It is there that a friend (in an open and swinging couple), at this famous drunken evening, talks to her about the concept of the “unicorn”. “She is a woman who integrates a couple. Without emotion. You don’t have the right to fall in love or get involved in their relationship, it’s just sexual, ”she discovers. “And that’s what I want!” »

She therefore registers on a “purely sexual” site by writing precisely what she is looking for. Results ? “It didn’t take long…”

Marie-Pierre finds a match, a couple with whom she communicates for several days, specifies her expectations, her lack of experience, etc. The deal finally closed two weeks before our interview.

If she fears a priori to be perceived as an “object” and “just to be used for that”, this is not at all what happens. “Finally, we get along really well. Like friends…” They talk for more than an hour before taking action. And the act, precisely? Marie-Pierre beams. “Really special. […] We saw each other four days later. […] If I could, I would see them every night! »

It must be said that Madame took the lead (“and she really knows how to do it!”), Monsieur guided Marie-Pierre, in short, everything went like clockwork. Better. “For the first time in my life, I was a fountain! exclaims our interlocutor, who still can’t believe it. It can’t be! […] It’s an extreme enjoyment, it’s gone up a level, it’s crazy, I think about it every day and I have chills! »

I didn’t think I could have so much fun in bed, seriously!

Marie Pierre

Admittedly, she knows very well that this “unicorn” status (which she did not know existed until not so long ago) is not for everyone. “It takes good manners and know-how,” she sums up. The couple should not be too integrated. Basically, you shouldn’t get attached. But that doesn’t scare him. She seems shielded. Besides, she couldn’t fall in love with a woman, she said. And sir, here, is “accessory”.

Marie-Pierre also knows that this kind of trio is certainly not suitable for all couples either. “There is a danger if the torque is not strong enough. […] But me, I don’t care, it’s not me who’s in a relationship! […] I’m the unicorn, I’m not the one picking up the mess, I’m just here for fun! she chuckles. Ironically, if she was in a relationship, she wouldn’t go there. “I would be too scared…”

However, for the moment, all this suits him perfectly. “I’m fulfilled and I’m good in it! she said, still smiling. I love freedom. I do what I want. I’m just 30. And life is still long! »

* Fictitious first name, to protect his anonymity

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