Behind the door | Fear of aging

Press offers you a weekly testimonial that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in the privacy, far, far away from statistics and standards. This week: Guillaume *, septuagenarian

Silvia galipeau

Silvia galipeau

Guillaume is terrified of growing old. His “obsession with decrepitude”, as he says, he treats her by dating for some time a younger woman, much younger than himself. Classic? Not only.

Because obviously, his story is not just about this urgent thirst for life. Even though that’s what the man first contacted us for. “You have before you a patent case, perhaps pathetic, of dread of the shipwreck,” affirms from the outset the septuagenarian with the air of a poet, with his white hair blowing in the wind.

But while we thought we were talking about ageism here, immediately, and barely installed in front of his bed, in a pretty café on rue Fleury, Guillaume reveals to us the traumatic events (which strangely did not happen). not traumatized) which marked his entry into active sex life. “It happened in spite of myself, by a scout who masturbated me at night, without my noticing it, before the very end …”, he says soberly, between two sips of coffee.

He must have been 13 years old. If he felt assaulted at the time? “No, but used. As I was by two priests a little later. ”

We are far from the light subject we expected. If he is subject to a confidentiality agreement, Guillaume confirms to us that he ended up obtaining compensation, in an amicable agreement, very recently.

“But I consider that I was less bullied by these two deceivers than by the terror that my father imposed on us”, he specifies, carefully weighing each of his words, in yet another shocking statement. A father “drummer of woman and children” who terrorized him for a long time, we understand. How did he survive? “Thanks to my mother’s love,” he says with a smile, with a gentle look that won’t let go of the interview.

And then ? “And then, I needed to find a woman who could love me as much as my mother…”

In search of love

He meets his future wife, and mother of his many children, somewhere around his 17th birthday. “And on her 18th birthday, she gave me the present of herself, and it was very nice,” he still smiles. We had a very pleasant life. With ups and downs… ”

A beautiful story that lasted 40 years, despite a 10-year interlude during which Guillaume cheated on her with a secretary. “It was at a time when I was feeling extremely lonely,” he explains. And this secretary was very understanding… ”Sexually? “Very colorful”, while with his wife (because yes, he continued to be active on this side too), it was rather “good, but quiet”. What if he thought of leaving her?

I couldn’t and I didn’t want to. Because of the children. It’s classic, but that’s how it is.


And then after 10 years, he ended up telling her everything. Entrust everything to him. To start again together, and to nine. The art of putting “cards on the table”, what? And obviously, it worked.

The following months are beautiful. They are experiencing a resurgence. “It’s a great time. »Except that Madame quickly fell ill and died some time later. “It was very, very hard, confirms Guillaume. I felt like an ant. Life is ruthless… ”

At barely 50, he found himself a widower. Without transition, he continues his story, with the meeting of a new woman, certainly not very enterprising, but “formidable” in bed. “After my mother, she’s the woman who loved me the most,” he believes. The affair lasts 10 years, after which Guillaume registers on Réseau Contact and meets a first woman younger than him. “Five or six years younger. “On paper, here, everything is fine:” She was athletic, liked good food, getaways, that suited me. The problem? “When I spoke to her about sex, I saw that it was not something that came to her spontaneously. ”

However, for him, yes, it is important. Very important, even.

Guillaume reflects, then explains: “What gives me the greatest high are the pleasures of the senses. I have windsurfed a lot in my life, and there is a delight in feeling the water touching my legs. It is an exhilaration. Meanwhile, we don’t think about the shit around us. Sexuality is the same thing. In addition to having an exchange, ideally pleasant … ”

The gift of youth

However, with it, it does not click. It’s long. Complicated. “Endless to make her come.” When there is enjoyment. Still, he ends up leaving her, to meet, a little over four years ago, a new woman, this time 40 years younger than him. And ? “It’s unimaginable,” he beams suddenly, his eyes shining. They only see each other a few times a month. She doesn’t want to meet her children. Nor go out with him. But stay in the “here and now”. “She knows it can’t last. ” And him too. Still. “It’s a very loving relationship, and a very physical one. He takes out his iPad here and shows it to us in photo. “It’s like an angel. I can’t imagine more beautiful than what I see. Obviously, our man is on cloud nine.

She has a sweetness, and physically, we have the best sex, the best sex, as if we were formed for each other. […] It is a difficult situation to imagine.


“It’s been four and a half years and it’s not running out of steam. ”

And the age difference does not bother him? Quite the contrary, you will understand. “Since I am obsessed with aging, I don’t want to have in front of me the portrait of what I don’t want to see of myself,” he replies. I’m going to have to resign myself at some point. But there, she gives me the gift of her youth… It’s ridiculous, she is younger than the youngest of my sons. But it’s so good. ”

He’s also scared to death that this will end. “It’s the dread I have. That she be a boyfriend of her age. But it is inevitable. So in the meantime, he relishes. If he’s happy? “I was never completely happy, no. There are too many misfortunes in life. But I have a lot of fun. But I can’t say I’m happy because I know it’s transitory. But I am very happy with this transitional period… ”he concludes, smiling softly.

* Fictitious first name, to protect his anonymity.

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