Behind the Door | Clara is not a nymphomaniac

The Press offers you each week a testimony that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: Clara*, early sixties

She really likes making love, yes. But no, she is not a nymphomaniac. Even if she comes hard, for a long time, and she often asks for more, and repeatedly, Clara* is rather multiorgasmic.

Above all, she is fed up with believing herself to be abnormal. Hence her joy recently, or rather her relief, in reading the testimony of a certain André* and his curious, almost infinite orgasms.

“Finally! Someone who says it’s possible!” rejoices the dynamic sixty-year-old, who also has repeated orgasms, met one sunny Friday in a charming café in the Laurentians. “It seems like no one talks about it. As if it had a dirty connotation!”

Read the article “André’s curious orgasms”

Even though women’s magazines are full of stories on the subject, her best friends always give her the same mystified look when she dares to talk about it. “Huh?” So she keeps quiet. “Well, why would I tell lies? What would be my interest?”

It must be said that she herself does not really understand what is happening to her, and has never really understood it. The very first time, she must have been 14 years old. It happened while caressing herself at night. Six times. “I almost fell to the ground,” she says. “Earthquakes, from my feet to above my head!” […] I wasn’t ready for that.”

While she is eager to finally have sex, her first experience at 18 with her boyfriend at the time is disappointing. “It’s not good.” But his husband is very impressed. “I was very wet…” She “gives him a chance,” as she puts it, they get married and spend a decade together. But things don’t exactly get better in bed. “Everything was perfect… except that!” she laments. “He didn’t like it! He didn’t like making love! I want it three times a day, and him? Three times a week, tops!”

She remembers going to see a doctor as soon as she got back from her honeymoon. “It wasn’t fun,” she continues. “He didn’t understand. He looked at me like I was a complete nymphomaniac.” He even offered to let her go and satisfy herself elsewhere. “But I didn’t want to do that. What I want is to make love to the guy I have under my skin!”

They parted ways when they were in their thirties, and that’s when Clara met her second partner. Their story lasted another 10 years. “He,” she says with a smile, “he understood the gizmo!” Even though on their first night, he almost called the ambulance. “He thought I was having an epileptic fit!”

I can bite it so hard!

Clara, early sixties

And, of course, she screams.

But this time, they have a similar appetite. And sexually, they match perfectly. “Instead of watching TV for two hours, we made love for two hours…” They spend evenings having fun, drinking, eating with their hands, taking baths and making love, again and again. She remembers having come dozens of times. Without stopping. To the point of exhaustion. Repeatedly. And everywhere, needless to say: breasts, vagina, etc.

They counted the orgasms during the act, screaming with pleasure. “It doesn’t make sense!” she said laughing, before clarifying: but anal, I don’t really like it. […] It comes from behind, it envelops, and I get a big cold shiver afterwards. I don’t like it too much.”

It should be noted that with this second partner, except for sex, everything was wrong. “Everything was going wrong, except for that! We argued all the time, he was stubborn about everything, we really didn’t have the same character.”

He also cheated on her throughout their relationship. To this day, Clara can’t believe it, recalling that they made love morning and evening, and at night to boot, without ever slowing down over the years. But he apparently liked to “feel alive”, hence his many escapades. “I like that too,” Clara adds, “but with my man. I’m faithful!”

It was at this time that she discovered herself as a fountain, and tried to tell her experience to a friend. “She never believed me.” Even a sexologist told her that she must be confusing orgasm and “well-being.” “No, no, when I’m well, I know it, it’s not that. Then, it hits, like an earthquake!”

Still, at 40, she found herself single and met her third and final partner, her current lover, a real love at first sight. This time, it clicked in bed as in life, and this, from the beginning. “I saw it in your walk that you like making love,” he told her. He was right.

The first time, eh boy, crazy, no sense. Out in the rain, we couldn’t even make it to the hotel room…

Clara, early sixties

The first years, they are very active. Several times a day. And of course, Clara continues to cum repeatedly, and the lovebirds have fun counting the lady’s orgasms, in dozens, always.

Then, over time, they calmed down a bit. Our interlocutor is no longer 20 years old and she feels it. She no longer has the energy she used to have, even if she is very fit, and it shows. So she sets aside an evening where she has nothing scheduled the next day. Because her antics are exhausting, physically. “Now, we do it once a week, otherwise it’s too much!” […] “It takes me a day to get over it,” laughs the woman who still runs every morning.

But be careful, we’re not talking about a quickie. The affair always lasts for hours. Clara can’t stop at one orgasm. Never less than eight to ten! “I can’t: it’s like having your favorite dessert, and you stop at the first spoonful!” she argues.

But as we said, she doesn’t dare talk about it. “My friends don’t make love anymore! Poor them…” Except that she would like to feel less alone, that’s clear. “Yes, yes, yes, it’s a nice problem,” she concedes. “I know I’m lucky, and I have a perfect partner. […] But I would like to hear from someone who is going through the same thing! I am tired of being almost ashamed… »

* Fictitious first names to protect their anonymity

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