Behind the door | Aline is 25 years old in her head

The Press offers you each week a testimony that aims to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far, far from statistics and standards. Today: Aline*, 71 years old

Aline is having fun. She is living her youth in a delayed manner, has had lovers for several years, and is doing very well like this, thank you. Fidelity is not really her thing. Interview with a young septuagenarian, to be read until the very end.

“I realized that the constraints of a relationship were not for me, and fidelity was not for me either,” she wrote to us earlier this summer. “I need several men, a charming one, a sexual one, to meet my expectations. I’m living my life as a young woman late in life and I love it. I chose myself. In fact, I’m 25 in my head,” says the woman who will soon be… 72 years old.

It was the testimony of a certain Charlotte*, on the cusp of fifty, at the heart of a joyful “harem,” that pushed her to testify. “Charlotte!” smiled our bubbly interlocutor, seated at a Tim Hortons on the side of the highway, one recent Friday lunchtime. The more I read it, the more I said to myself: it’s me! Except that I did it late in life.”

Read the article “Charlotte’s “harem””

Mid-sixties, to be exact. After more than 40 years of marriage, to boot.

She dives into her story with enthusiasm, without the slightest filter. Her first sexual adventure? Around the age of 17. “I needed a date for a wedding,” she begins. “A stopgap!” And then? “Nothing extraordinary, I didn’t feel anything!”

Without transition, she continues with an affair with a work colleague (“That was fun, I felt it!”) before meeting her husband, still at 17. They go out together for several months before putting a ring on it. With him: “It was fine! Anywhere, any time, it was sweet, vulgar, dirty, let’s say. No problem with that.”

The problems appear rather with time. Monsieur no longer compliments her, he also suffers from premature ejaculation, and Aline, for her part, feels the need to “satisfy herself elsewhere”, as she says.

I have always been flirtatious, and I still am!

Aline, 71 years old

What if she cheats on him? “Yes, more than once!” she answers without hesitation, and certainly not taking offense.

In fact, Aline cheated on him half a dozen times. “Not much was happening, but I had what I needed.” With whom? Always acquaintances. Often younger men, in fact. And not just a little: 15 years younger, she confirms with a chuckle. Sometimes, she treats herself to furtive encounters at dance parties. “I went looking for what I didn’t have: compliments. And then we talked about something other than golf…”, slips our great lover of frenchs self-proclaimed.

It should be noted that these adventures are not so extraordinary in bed – “I was not satisfied” – and she will come back to that later. For the moment, we simply understand that she liked the recognition, and especially here the adventure. “Feeling that I am attractive, as if I am worth a million dollars,” she beams. And it was fun, in secret, it gives an adrenaline. A thrill!”

Once, she wanted to confide in her husband. But his husband wouldn’t listen. “Either he was innocent, or he didn’t want to say anything,” she believes. “But my husband has never been mean to me,” she also takes care to point out. Quite the opposite: “He gave me every freedom possible.”

In any case, he eventually discovered her “crazy ways.” And in her mid-sixties, Aline found herself divorced. Reaction? “Liberated,” she said. “I don’t owe anyone anything anymore. And I don’t need to hide anymore!”

Here we are. That was just a few years ago. Since then, Aline has continued for a while with a young lover from before. Nothing very sexual, she specifies, the gentleman being depressed (read: “He was having trouble…”). At a Tupperware party (you couldn’t make it up), she meets a man her age, whom she has been seeing here and there since. The problem? He is married. But that doesn’t bother her at all. “He’s the one with the problem, not me!” It must be said that in bed, it’s “extraordinary” here. Together, they even had a trip threesome with a woman, in addition to an exchange with a couple. They also plan to go to a swingers club soon. Note that our Aline did not like the trip three. “I’m so straight!” she laughs heartily.

For a while, she even dated four men at the same time. “Of all ages,” she smiles. “We do ourselves good!” We won’t tell you everything, some details are so new that we could recognize her, but let’s say that Aline does not deprive herself too much. She also doesn’t hesitate to get rid of a lazy lover here, or another one with too many members there.

No, Aline no longer wants a partner in her life. “It’s too much trouble,” she confirms.

And then, I’m not capable of being faithful, I love men too much!

Aline, 71 years old

Is she happy? “Very,” she said, smiling. “I take what comes, I make do!”

We expect to conclude, and suddenly Aline adds this, without transition and at this precise moment of the interview: “But imagine that I have never enjoyed myself in my life.” Excuse me? That’s not all: “Maybe it’s not related, but I was abused as a child,” she adds. “From 9 to 16 years old…” She still remembers it: “He said: “I’m doing your sex education…””, she specifies with a grimace.

Questions are racing through our heads. But Aline doesn’t elaborate too much on the subject. It must be said that she has already told us a lot. “Back then, we didn’t say that…”, she recalls. We will still learn that the man in question has since died, and that she danced in her living room when she found out. “I would love to enjoy that!”, she continues instead, before closing this time for good. In the interviewer’s memory, this is a first: just before leaving, our interlocutor asks us for a hug. “I’m a hug giver!” Request accepted.

*Fictitious first names, to protect their anonymity

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