beginning of the rally in Paris, in front of the Ministry of Health

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2:11 p.m. : It is 2 p.m., here is a new point on the news:

• Elisabeth Borne announced inflation aid for the most modest households, which will be paid “in September”. The Prime Minister was the guest of France Bleu this afternoon.

• Moscow has claimed that the Russian army has taken control of residential areas in Sievierodonestk, eastern Ukraine. The Russian Defense Minister, however, clarified that “the takeover of its industrial zone and neighboring localities continues”.

• Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Gatherings are expected, especially in Paris where the demonstration has just started.

• The three police officers placed in police custody after the death of a woman hit by a shot during a control, Saturday in Paris, emerged free. They have not been referred, a lawyer told France Télévisions.

2:02 p.m. “More than words, we want action,” he castigates. Asked about the new government, he deplores the fact that “the minister (Brigitte Bourguignon) has not even planned to meet the organizers of the movement. There is nothing new in this government”

2:02 p.m. : Invited to the rally, the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, “hopes that the claims of caregivers will be heard. The launch of the flash mission requested by Emmanuel Macron gives us the impression that he discovers the problem. »

2:02 p.m. : “A specialized educator, with bac +3 or 5, starts at 1400€ per month and ends at 2500€ per month. Personally, I am at 2500€ per month, a librarian by training, with 35 years of seniority and bac+5. I compared, in the private sector, I will be paid 4800€”

2:02 p.m. : “During the confinement, we were very much in demand (especially for emergency accommodation) to accommodate women victims of domestic violence, young people excluded from their homes, the homeless. And we didn’t get any bonuses.”

2:01 p.m. : Also present, social workers like Valérie Jacob, executive at the foundation of the Salvation Army for 18 years, and union representative at the CGT. This gathering is the continuation of more than two years of struggle to obtain recognition for our professions.

2:01 p.m. : Our journalist Florence Morel is currently at the gathering of caregivers in Paris, to denounce their working conditions and the emergency crisis.

1:15 p.m. : “We have invested in order to have better remuneration for caregivers. We observe that this has not prevented weariness on the part of certain caregivers, who (…) may have wished to move on after months. Covid crisis. But we are not going to give up.”

1:29 p.m. : Elisabeth Borne is questioned by a listener from France Bleu on the hospital crisis, while around fifty demonstrations by caregivers are planned today in France. The Prime Minister assures that the objective of the “Flash mission” announced by Emmanuel Macron is to identify “solutions” that can be implemented “from this summer”.

1:03 p.m. : In the midst of the emergency crisis and a few days before the legislative elections, nine unions (including the CGT, SUD and the CFE-CGC) and collectives (including Inter-Hospitals and Inter-Emergency) are organizing a day of mobilization today. In Paris, demonstrators are expected in front of the Ministry of Health from 1:30 p.m. We go around the reasons for the anger of caregivers.

A caregiver demonstrates in Paris, March 19, 2022. (MARTIN LELIEVRE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)


12:03 : What are the main news headlines:

Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Rallies are expected, especially at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Ministry of Health in Paris.

After the death of a woman hit by police shooting on Saturday in Paris, the custody of the three police officers present was extended.

“Intense street fighting continues” in Sievierodonestk, said Volodymyr Zelensky last night. In this key city of Luhansk province, “the situation changes every hour”according to the mayor.

11:52 : Concern affects all hospital departments. “NOTWe have a midwifery problem”alert for example on franceinfo Joëlle Belaisch-Allart, president of the National College of French gynecologists and obstetricians. “They are a little fed up with the difficulty of the birth room and are moving towards gynecology and planning in town”, she explains. This pushes some maternities to give up certain consultations and childbirth preparation courses.

11:42 : In addition to the burning news of the emergency services crisis, the caregivers mobilized today are demanding recruitment and better salaries in all areas of the public hospital. And are not convinced either by the Ségur de la Santé which was held in 2020, nor by the announcement of a “flash mission” which should lead to new proposals at the end of June. Here is a summary of the causes of the movement.

11:46 : “The diagnosis was made long before Ségur and even if ten billion have been put on the table, including 450 million for practitioners, these measures are insufficient. It’s not just about money: people have to be trained so that they can do their job. For example, in my department, I sometimes push stretchers because I don’t have any orderlies in my department, particularly in the emergency room.”

On franceinfo, a representative of emergency physicians, Jean-François Cibien, insists on the many needs of the public hospital, while gatherings of caregivers are organized throughout France today.

09:52 : “There, the problem that arises is that everything that is institutions, ministries, professional associations say to do the 15. We are already under tension and there, it will be even worse. (…) There has about 1,500 medical records a day.”

While caregivers are mobilizing today to denounce the lack of resources and staff, our journalist Mathilde Imberty has collected testimonies in the Rhône. Including that of Alexandre, who answers calls on 15 and fears an even greater load with the arrival of sunny days and accidents related to outdoor activities.

12:01 : Let’s once again take stock of the main news for this Tuesday:

Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Gatherings are expected, especially in Paris.

After the death of a woman hit by police shooting on Saturday in Paris, the custody of the three police officers present was extended.

“Intense street fighting continues” in Sievierodonestk, said Volodymyr Zelensky last night. In this key city of Luhansk province, “the situation changes every hour”according to the mayor.

08:31 : “I found subsistence work at the factory. I’ve been gone too long. I’ve done my grief work from the hospital.”

And if the vaccination obligation were lifted, the suspended caregivers would not all return to work. Since last September and the entry into force of the measure, some, like Emilie, have told me that they have turned the page, out of the need to find an income or out of rejection from the institution and certain colleagues with whom relations have deteriorated. were tense. They also find it hard to believe in their possible reintegration: Emmanuel Macron opened the door in April, but wants to wait for the Scientific Council to qualify the Covid-19 as“endemic”. The HAS, which was to be seized for an opinion, has not yet been. More details in my article.

08:24 : Reintegrating the non-vaccinated would, on the other hand, make it possible to strengthen the staff of hospitals, which is why personalities like Patrick Pelloux are calling for it to be done. But, nine months after the entry into force of the vaccination obligation, there is no count of the number of caregivers dismissed for this reason: in the fall, the figure of 7,930 caregivers had been advanced, but it is likely to be incomplete and to have evolved a great deal since then. Impossible, therefore, to measure the usefulness of their return for the public hospital.

08:27 : “The epidemiological argument was true and could become so again [en cas de nouvelle vague]. This is when the risk of these people being infected is high. And if they are in contact with fragile patients, we put these patients at risk.”

Unsurprisingly, epidemiologists tend to favor the suspension of unvaccinated people. They recall that the vaccine does not prevent contamination, but reduces the risk. And that it is far from impossible that a new epidemic wave will hit France in the months to come.

08:19 : The emergency crisis and the glaring lack of staff in hospitals are helping to put back on the table a measure that was no longer really debated: the vaccination obligation for caregivers. The CGT, in particular, makes it a claim within the framework of the social movement organized today. But this idea raises many questions: isn’t it still risky from a health point of view? Are the suspended caregivers numerous enough to change the situation? And do they want their jobs back? I try to answer it in this article.


08:08 : “We must reform, relieve congestion and debureaucratize the hospital because we are dying of it” ? @BrunoRetailleau, senator and president of the LR group in the Senate, on the hospital crisis ▶ #Les4V

08:31 : On this day of mobilization at the public hospital, Bruno Retailleau defends on France 2 the creation of an additional year of studies for future general practitioners, during which they should practice “in a medical desert”for “unclog” the emergencies. The leader of the LR senators also pleads for more managed hospitals “artisanal”where “Big decisions can be made by doctors”.

07:47 : The cross is the only national daily that highlights the day of mobilization in hospitals. He emphasizes that the lack of means and the feeling of “loss of meaning” do not only concern the health system, but also the public service in general, and in particular national education and justice.

07:42 : A week after Emmanuel Macron’s announcement of a “flash mission” to find solutions to the emergency crisis, nine unions and hospital collectives are calling for a day of action today. The CGT, on the initiative, lists rallies planned in 50 cities. In Paris, a rally will take place at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Ministry of Health.

06:46 : Let’s start with a point on the main news of this Tuesday:

Several unions and hospital collectives are calling for mobilization to demand recruitment and wage increases, against the backdrop of the emergency crisis. Gatherings are expected, especially in Paris.

Boris Johnson will remain Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He saved his head in a vote of confidence by Conservative MPs, but the score illustrates the fragility of his position (211 votes for and 148 against).

• Reports that Russia “Fly” Ukrainian cereals for “sell them for one’s own profit” are “credible”judged the United States. “It’s all deliberate”accused the head of diplomacy, Antony Blinken.

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