beginning of pink October to encourage breast cancer screening


Article written by

Y. Fossurier, B. Espalieu, M.-E. Mason – France 3

France Televisions

The beginning of October marks the beginning of the operation ofOctober pink, movement encouraging breast cancer screening.

In this rehabilitation center in Lille, October rose rhymes with humor and song. Two actresses work for breast cancer screening.We absorb a lot of testimonials. We go to meet people. We are going to meet health professionals but also people of all backgrounds and all ages”explain in unison Samira mameche and Cindy Badautthe two actresses.

On the menu of this intervention, initiation toself-examinationrecommended to prevent breast cancer. But Anne-Gaëlle Serymidwife at the Center for Hope, qualifies by saying that it is “additoinal“and that one”professional screening” is necessary. A patient treated for breast cancer also invites screening. “You shouldn’t wait to feel anything (..) You have to get tested, it takes five minutes”. Detected in time, breast cancer is cured nine times out of ten.

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