Before you go on vacation, earn 50 euros worth of fuel!

Every day until June 17, three candidates answer the four questions of the eleven-hour game. And among these three candidates, there is necessarily one or one who leaves with his 50 euro fuel card.

50 euros to be won every day to refuel. © Radio France
Sonia Brunet

The questions relate to the territory, the news, the environment, the Poitou festivities… So with a little luck and a lot of concentration, it is you who will win this fuel card. It is indeed the best score of the day that wins the gift.

A fuel gift card of 50 euros to be won every day on France Bleu Poitou, to lighten the holidays and give you a smile.

See you at 11 a.m. on France Bleu Poitou from June 13 to 17, 2022.

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