“Before, we would like to have the school of the present”, reacts Stéphane Ravier, senator Reconquest! of the Bouches-du-Rhône

Traveling to Marseille, Thursday June 2, Emmanuel Macron promoted “the school of the future”. This educational experiment has been carried out since September 2021 in 59 schools in Marseille, out of 472. The Head of State has announced that he wishes to generalize it throughout France “in the coming months”. “Before the school of the future, we would like to have the school of the present”mocked on franceinfo Stéphane Ravier, senator from Bouches-du-Rhône, member of Reconquest!, the movement of Éric Zemmour.

The senator believes that Emmanuel Macron skips the stages: “In Marseille, the schools have been talked about a lot for their dilapidation. But very few projects have been launched. In reality, we are almost at a standstill in Marseille on the school of the present”, adds the far-right elected official. For his part, Benoît Payan, the mayor of Marseilles (Left Union) salutes the will of the President of the Republic of “putting resources on the table like no one has done before”.

The State has promised, among other things, 400 million euros for the renovation of schools in the city. But Stéphane Ravier is waiting for proof: “We are told additional means, we are not going to refuse them because it is Emmanuel Macron who announces them. Only, we are no longer content with announcements. We need a reality”.

As part of “the school of the future”, school principals can participate in the recruitment of their teaching staff. For Stéphane Ravier, this is not the priority: “You have to listen to the teachers before launching completely ideological projects, cut off from the primary emergencies of the school, which are safety, the building in Marseilles and the transmission of elementary knowledge: reading, writing, counting one’s history, and being proud of the history of France”. The senator once again criticizes the appointment of Pap Ndiaye to the Ministry of Education who, according to him, is “the pope of the deconstruction of France, of its history”.

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