before the reception of OM, the supporters of Feyenoord warn, “at the stadium, you will see, it will be crazy”

It is the last French club competing in the European Cup this year. OM are moving this Thursday evening to the lair of Feyenoord in the first leg of the Europa League Conference, before a return match at the Vélodrome on May 5, the day of the 30th anniversary of the Furiani tragedy.

This match in Rotterdam seems within reach of the Olympians, who have been in full success for several weeks on the European scene, as well as in Ligue 1. But beware, we warn in the Netherlands: Feyenoord is a historic and popular club, which will be carried by an entire city. Moreover, the third in the Dutch championship has the reputation of having one of the hottest stadiums in Europe, nicknamed “De Kuip“, the bathtub.

And the atmosphere has already gone up a notch since Wednesday in Rotterdam. Near the docks, in a pedestrian street, when Marc sees the franceinfo microphone, this Feyenoord fan for more than 50 years rolls up his sleeves. “Don’t talk, work like you work at the port! This is the soul of Feyenoord. Look, when I tell you about it, my arm hair stands on end. We have a saying in Holland that says in Rotterdam, we make the money, and Amsterdam, they distribute it“, he lets go, before slipping: “Like Marseille, we are a poor city.

One common point among others for the two clubs: like OM, Feyenoord won the first Champions League in their country. It was in 1970. Like OM, it is the last club from its country in the European Cup this year. And like OM, it is a historic club, whose history everyone knows in Rotterdam, like Yerom : “The club was founded in 1908 and at that time we had one of the biggest stadiums in Europe. Supporting Feyenoord is a way of life. Parents take their children to the stadium. We are Feyenoord in our work, in our leisure time and of course in the stadium. Feyenoord’s slogan can be translated as ‘We are strong by persevering’. And when you’re in the stadium, that’s what you see. Fans like it when the team tries hard and works hard.”

Fans who find themselves in this stadium and who would not miss the match against OM under any circumstances. “When you come to the stadium tonight, you’ll see, it will be crazy, warns Laurent. There will be smoke bombs and fireworks. Even if it’s forbidden…”

“I think the people of Marseille will be shocked. But it’s hard to explain to you. It’s a feeling. It’s like loving your child.”

And when we ask this supporter if this new European Cup, the Europa League Conference, is a discount cut, he smiles before concluding: “You will see tonight!

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