Before the opening of the Agricultural Show, a week of mine clearance for the government

The Agricultural Show opens its doors on Saturday February 24, but this whole week will be dedicated to agriculture for the government



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The weekly scheduling meeting between the Élysée and Matignon on Monday February 19 will be essentially devoted to the preparation of the “choreography” between the President and the Prime Minister ahead of the Agricultural Show. Emmanuel Macron receives the FNSEA and the Young Farmers on Tuesday, as he does before each Salon, insists the Élysée, and not because of the crisis. Gabriel Attal is also preparing to “a crazy agricultural week”, according to those around him.

Because by Saturday announcements are expected on the future agricultural law, the Ecophyto plan put on hold at the beginning of February, and simplification measures. Will it be via a press conference of ministers or travel? on the grounds of the President or the Prime Minister ? It’s one of the things to “choreograph”. “It must be a week of realization”, in any case assures Matignon. According to the government, 60 prefectural orders have already been lifted, and 1,200 standards “too restrictive” were reported by agricultural organizations during their meetings with prefects. Standards studied one by one to see what can be removed.

Prevent farmers from turning to the RN

The 2024 edition of the Agricultural Show will therefore necessarily take place in a particular context. “It may be busier than usual.”, admits the Ministry of Agriculture, when the Ministry of the Interior is vigilant in the face of the risk of harsh actions. The Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau will also review the FNSEA and the JA again at the start of the week, just as the Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu will have breakfast with these two unions on Thursday morning. The executive’s objective is to clear mines as much as possible before the head of state makes the inauguration on Saturday February 24.

Gabriel Attal will also go to the show but the date has not yet been set. One big day, or several shorter visits? It is not yet decided, but Matignon has in any case noted when the National Rally intends to go to Porte de Versailles: a priori Sunday and Monday for Jordan Bardella, before Marine Le Pen on Wednesday. “They are going to parade around making it appear that all farmers are voting for RN,” complains an executive advisor, “we have to be offensive to send them back into line.” Generally, the agricultural world votes less for RN than the rest of the French, but a Renaissance executive is worried before the European elections: “it’s flammable, there is a risk that more farmers will turn to the far right.”

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