Before the holidays, Elisabeth Borne gathers the ministers for a reception at Matignon

Members of the government will be on leave at the end of parliamentary proceedings. They will have to stay a maximum of two hours from Paris.

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Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne invited members of her government and their families to a reception at Matignon on Wednesday August 3, as ministerial holidays and the end of the summer parliamentary session are looming. The 41 members of the government met on rue de Varenne in Paris, a “moment of conviviality and cohesion” during which Elisabeth Borne was to “welcome, without triumphalism, the first advances for French men and women in terms of purchasing power”announced Matignon.

The end of parliamentary work will open the vacation period for members of the government, who are required to choose, at a maximum of two hours from Paris, “a destination compatible with the exercise of their responsibilities”, according to a government circular. The back-to-school Council of Ministers is scheduled for August 24 and the resumption of debates in the hemicycles of the Assembly and the Senate is scheduled for October 3.

There will therefore be no extraordinary parliamentary session in September, a first for twenty years which is intended to illustrate the “new method” displayed by the executive, without an absolute majority in the Assembly since the legislative elections. The new President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun Pivet, wants parliamentarians to have time to read the texts and prepare the debates, conduct hearings, discuss and negotiate even before the debates in the chambers.

>> No parliamentary session in September: will the deputies be on vacation?

President Emmanuel Macron, for his part, has taken up his summer quarters at Fort de Brégançon (Var) since Friday evening.

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