before the first round of the presidential election, Eric Zemmour’s message to young activists

Victory cries, boos, blue-white-red flags waved. The young supporters of Eric Zemmour met Thursday evening in Paris for a last meeting with the far-right candidate at the Dome of Paris, a room of 4,500 people located at Porte de Versailles.

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A gathering in the form of a last communion for the candidate who wanted to bring together his young activists, who are particularly active in this campaign. And which also serves to repeat a message: do not believe the polls. “They tell us that we won’t even be in the second round. And as always, we’re going to prove them wrong. And you, dear friends, do you intend to surrender? Victory is near, I don’t doubt it for a moment. You believe it: I saw it in your eyes“, first launches Stanislas Rigaud, president of Generation Z, who gives way to his mentor Eric Zemmour.

At the podium, the latter first asks his audience to respect a minute of silence in memory of Jérémie Cohen, a young man who died in Bobigny: “I want you to know that this story upsets me. I ask myself many questions. Since I spoke about the tragedy of Jérémie, I have received dozens of messages from the families of victims telling me of their revolt at the attitude of the State, at the criminals sometimes still at large, often at the omerta. Know that I fight for you.”

He then delivers his vision of youth: it must be bold and patriotic. And he does not forget to motivate his troops to campaign to the end. “The battle is not over. We have three days left. A third of French people still do not know who they will vote for on Sunday. So don’t give up! Be combative, talk a lot and sleep little! Convince everyone who passes within your reach: family, friends, colleagues, passers-by, postmen, shopkeepers, police… Every minute, every leaflet, every message on social networks, on all forums, in all lecture halls, in all the gyms, all the subways and all the buses, everything counts”he says.

“You count! I count on you as much as you can count on me. French youth, France is proud of you!”

And to conclude:Nothing, nothing and no one will submit us to the class struggle, nor to the race struggle, nor to jihad, nor to civil war.

In the public, everyone is convinced, victory is in sight. “He does not have a choice. We hope he will win in the first round. There will be no second round because he will be elected because he will win at 51%. I announce it to you. I am lucid, drop a woman.

Further on, a man announces: “I think we can win. It’s fair. The French need to be informed, to open their eyes. It’s the only hope for France. I managed to convince my mother, who comes from the FN and Marine Le Pen. There, I managed to convince her. Me, all my relatives, except my grandmother, it’s Eric Zemmour.“And when asked what they would do in the event of a second round between Macron and Le Pen, most refuse to answer.

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