before new negotiations, Voldymyr Zelensky says he is “studying” the Russian request for the country’s “neutrality”

What there is to know

Negotiations resume. Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, declared on Sunday 27 March that his government was studying “in depth” the question of the “neutrality” of Ukraine, one of the central points in the negotiations with Russia to end the conflict. Discussions between the two countries are due to resume at the start of the week in Turkey. Follow our live.

The humanitarian situation in Mariupol is “catastrophic”. In the besieged and bombarded city for weeks, “the population is fighting to survive”, affirmed in the night of Sunday to Monday the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its Twitter account. More than 2,000 civilians were killed in Mariupol, according to a recent report communicated by the town hall.

Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin talk. The French president announced that he would speak to his Russian counterpart on Monday or Tuesday to organize an evacuation operation from the city of Mariupol. Emmanuel Macron, who has already spoken eight times with Vladimir Putin since the beginning of the Russian invasion a little over a month ago, remains convinced that the path of dialogue with Moscow is still possible.

Negotiations in Istanbul. Ukrainian and Russian negotiators meet in Istanbul, Monday or Tuesday according to several sources, to try to stop this conflict which has already forced more than 3.8 million Ukrainians to flee their country, according to a UN count. One of the important points of the negotiations relates to “guarantees of security and neutrality, the denuclearized status of our State”, the Ukrainian president told Russian independent media.

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