“It’s going to be one of the happiest days of my life.” This Sunday, December 19, there will be emotion, in the center of the Gaston-Simounet stadium for Patrick, who will animate the 32nd round of the Coupe de France between Bergerac Périgord FC and FC Metz. Because the announcer, who has participated in all the home games of the BPFC for four years, is Messin. At the same time, it’s hard to hide it with his artist name, Patrick de Lorraine.
Fell in the pot of the Saint-Symphorien stadium in Metz when he was very young, Patrick “always been for FC Metz”. He remembers having lived like crazy in front of his television that evening in October 1984 when Metz was going to qualify by going to crush (1-4) FC Barcelona at Camp Nou “with a hat-trick from Tony Kurbos”, to eliminate Barça from the Cup. So, this Messin by birth is attached to this jersey “struck with the cross of Lorraine. It symbolizes pride, honor, perseverance, all these values that I have attributed to Football Club de Metz”. On point to have FC Metz in the skin, literally. Patrick doesn’t hesitate to show off his tattoos. The club’s crest on the heart, a “Lorraine is garnet” on the belly and a “proud to be Messin” on the upper back.
And yet, on Sunday, this crazy FC Metz will defend the Bergerac Périgord FC jersey. “I chose my camp. It will be Bergerac. And not Metz”, he said, determined. The fault (or thanks) to the chances of life, which led him to settle in Périgord 20 years ago, because he met a Périgourdine, and they now live in Rouffignac-de-Sigoulès. There, Patrick continues his job as an animator, putting the atmosphere on the shelves of supermarkets, where a Bergerac leader spotted him and offered to come and animate, every other weekend, the Campréal stadium.
– Thomas coignac
Four years that it lasts. And the Messin has become a true supporter of Bergerac. “I am Bergeracois and I remain so”, he said. “For me, Bergerac is a family. It’s the president, it’s Paul [Fauvel, le directeur général], it’s the staff, the coaches, the players. There is a communion, it is exceptional “.
So, when the draw for this 32nd final of the Coupe de France made his two favorite clubs oppose each other, Patrick did not “not believed. I had about fifty phone calls. I never thought that this could have happened in my life. It’s been ten days that I have a pressure … I have the heart who beats”. And now, the one who says “we” when talking about Bergerac wants, probably for the last time in his life, a loss for the Messins on Sunday. And agrees to shout louder on Perigord goals than those of Garnets.