bees, medical deserts and purchasing power top your priorities this week

The presidential and legislative elections of 2022 are looming, while the health crisis and its consequences have upset our daily lives. To help us define the world we want for tomorrow, France Blue launched a major citizen consultation, “Ma France 2022”, driven by the citizen platform

Nearly 5 million votes, more than 650,000 participants, 28,500 proposals

“Ma France 2022” wants to contribute to a peaceful debate of ideas, with the will of relay the voice of all territories and to bring about civic, concrete and sustainable solutions. You are already 652,127 participants, and the consultation brings together 28,474 proposals and 4. 719. 894 votes. Here are the most popular proposals of the week, and the topics you discussed the most.

The most popular proposals this week

  • Bee-killing insecticides must be banned again. (Nadia, 42 years old)
  • We must encourage the installation of young doctors in medical deserts (see the reform of Quebec). Quit opposing the unions. (Dominica, 70 years old)
  • We must think about upgrading low wages but also average wages, which have been losing purchasing power for years. (Anthony, 39)
  • We must increase pensions in relation to the inflation of life. (Therese)
  • We really have to fight tax evasion (tax optimisation) by large companies. (Yves, 34 years old)
  • It is necessary to establish a plan of reduction of the intensive breeding to the profit of the traditional breeding and this, in France. (Late, 61)
  • We must help small businesses to strengthen the social ties that are dying in rural areas (troquet, bakery, grocery store, etc.). (Pierre, 51 years old)
  • State officials must have a clean criminal record. (Pierre, 39 years old)
  • Hedges must be re-established in the huge plots resulting from land consolidation to promote biodiversity and counter soil erosion. (Late, 61)
  • We must improve the French legal system: too much waiting allowing some to abuse the situation with successive dismissals. (Cyril, 40 years old)

Topics discussed this week

The most frequently discussed topics this week. © Radio France
France Bleu/

Formulate your proposals and vote for those of others!

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The presidential candidates position themselves on your proposals

These proposals will allow you to take control of the electoral campaign, to set the pace, to establish your “Citizens’ Agenda”. This “Citizen’s Agenda”, drawn up from the most popular proposals, allows us to question the candidates on your behalf, and ask them to position themselves on the themes that are most important to you, near you. With the ambition to enrich public debate, and the hope of transforming your ideas into action.

Your offers will also feed our reports and programs throughout France. Starting with “Ma France”, our midday meeting presented by Wendy Bouchard.

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