Bedoin, more than 3,000 inhabitants on the foothills of the southern face of Mont Ventoux, is the commune in the spotlight this week. They migrated from Flassan to Bédoin bringing with them their wonderful sweet and savory recipes: it’s Christophe and Anne-Marie GEORGE
– Philip Garcia
The craftsmen of the taste of the house RUCHOFRUIT, which is thirty years old, recently moved to number 33, chemin des treilles in Bédoin. The restored old house is the new delightfully traditional setting on the shop side, perfectly up to the latest work and hygiene standards on the laboratory side.
– Philip Garcia
The many jams made exclusively from local products are €6 for a 340-gram jar, stirred manually in small cauldrons. We are far from industrial production! On the spreadable side RUCHOFRUIT recommends for example the tomato-pepper-aubergine preparation.
– Philip Garcia
RUCHOFRUIT in Bédoin, it’s no less than 70 specialties to die for! You will find in the new house of character of RUCHOFRUIT, a beautiful selection of artisanal creations from the friendly circle of Christophe and Anne-Marie.
RUCHOFRUIT, 33 chemin des treilles, 84410 BÉDOIN / Tel: 04 90 70 24 33 /