Bedbugs under debate in the Assembly, the future of Armenia, the States General of Information… Franceinfo news from Tuesday October 3, 2023

Around Jean-François Achilli and Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Tuesday October 3, 2023.


Reading time :
8 mins

The informed with Bérengère Bonte and Jean-François Achilli (france info)

The themes :

Bedbugs. The debate is taking place in the National Assembly after the reporting of these insects in several cinemas, trains and metros. An interministerial meeting is due to take place on Friday.

With Nicolas Roux de Bezieux director at and author of “Bedbugs! : The guide to getting rid of it permanently” from Larousse.

Armenia. After Azerbaijan’s lightning victory over the Armenian separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh causing the exodus to Armenia of more than 100,000 people, Armenia is worried. France has given its agreement for the delivery of military equipment.

With Virginie Pirononjournalist in the international editorial team of Radio France.

General information information. Kick-off of a year of consultation on the reliability of information, the independence of journalists, the protection of sources. All French people are particularly called upon to make proposals during an online consultation.

The informed:

Cédric Clérin, editor-in-chief of L’Humanité Magazine.

Albert Zennou, editor-in-chief of the political service of Le Figaro.

Audrey Goutard, journalist specializing in social issues.

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